What Running the Meetup Activities in Singapore has Taught Me in 2017

I form up #MEETUP [GEN Y-Z] Young Adults Exploration Meetup beginning of this year 2017, and only started to run it seriously in at late 2017 after I successfully convinced my friends to be part of the team.


It all started when I am trying to look for a group of young people (below 30 years) to have some productive activities during weekend in Singapore. In Singapore, there are bunch of activities that we can join, but there is always some age gap with older people, which resulting we don’t have common topic to chit chat even we are in the same activities.

The younger generation who are born and breed in Singapore will always stick to their own group, while the other expats who come over from the other countries like Malaysia have hard to join these young group of people.

Single Event Activity In Meetup
Single Event Activity In Meetup

Thus, I’ve decided to create this Meetup group and gathered few my friends that I got to know over here to run the activities.

Yoga Meetup and meet new friends
Yoga Meetup and meet new friends


Yoga Meetup Activity
Yoga Meetup Activity

We started with some paid, single events first, then subsequently we are run some different activities such as:

  1. Drink, chill and meet new friends
  2. Watch movie and meet new friends
  3. Do Yoga and meet new friends
  4. Learn blogging and meet new friends
  5. Run together and meet new friends
  6. etc..
CF and Kelvin Ang
CF and Kelvin Ang

We have done so much activities until currently we in auto pilot mode, where people will automatic look for us to collaborate with some activities.

Blogging Learning Session Meetup Activity
Blogging Learning Session Meetup Activity

Throughout these events, we have to constantly look for new places for hosting and made booking, and planning, and execution to have successful Meetups. We works together closely and has countless of meeting after working time, and before bed time too. We learned how to be a better hosts throughout every event.

Masquarade Meetup Activity
Masquarade Meetup Activity

Each event seem getting easier to manage and thing getting done faster as well. We have learned how to hosts more effectively, and has foresee issues at beginning stage and eliminated it before it even come to us.

Interactive Single Event Meetup
Interactive Single Event Meetup

I’ve learned a lot of new friends over the activities that we hosted too. I am glad most of them are happy with our activities, while among our hosts we have formed strengthen our friendships and better understand to each other. The skill and knowledge that we acquired definitely help us grew up and help us in the future.

Zhi Hui and Kelvin Ang
Zhi Hui and Kelvin Ang

One thing for sure that I learnt is, I couldn’t done it ALONE without my friends.

Adios to the team, and my fellow friends who along the way. This is one of the precious achievement I did before turned out to be 30 years old 🙂

#achievement #goal #meetup #friends

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