What Is Car Accident PTSD And How To Cope With It

Traffic accidents are a common occurrence on American roads. Being involved in an automotive collision can result in a mix of feelings, injuries, and damages. The rush of feelings can start immediately after the accident or start showing in the days that follow. Some of the feelings are linked with a road crash include:

• Anger

• Guilt

• Shock

• Fear

• Anxiety

• Worry

• Trouble accepting the reality of what happened

Accident with police bike

Individuals involved in an accident will keep going over the incident in their mind, and this can get to a point where they cannot stop thinking about the crash. They may have one, two, or all the feelings mentioned above. At times, the feelings can be so strong that they impact their usual way of life according to here.

What’s The Difference Between These Feelings And Normal Ones?

People are different; some will have an overwhelming feeling for quite a while, and for others, they go away over time. When the feelings linger, they tend to grow stronger and begin to change how the person thinks or acts. They begin to impact their way of life and soon manifest as post-traumatic stress. Some of the sings of suffering post-traumatic stress after a road accident include:

a). An unending uneasiness

b). Anxiety when riding or driving

c). Excessive anger or worry

d). Easily irritable

e). Recurrent thoughts and memories of the accident

f). Nightmares and having trouble sleeping

g). Feeling disconnected from people or life’s simple moments or events

Path To Wellness

If you are battling with a mix of feelings after a car accident, there are ways that you can cope with the aftermath of the crash.

Talk to someone:

It can be a relative, friend, or counselor. You should open up about the accident and what trouble you so much about it, giving details of how you felt, acted, thought of at the time of the incident, and the days that followed.

Learn to be a defensive driver:

Getting back under the driver’s wheel and being confident about your competency might not be easy after the accident. But you can regain your confidence when you take defensive driving classes. They will teach you how to drive carefully, to avoid getting distracted, and to always belt up when driving. Most importantly, you will discover the risk of actions such as using the phone or eating when driving as well as driving when tired. 

Stay active:

Try to exercise regularly. It will help you get your mind off the crash. Exercising will also help you recover. However, you should avoid engaging in activities that will exasperate the injuries. You can consult your doctor to figure out what exercises are safe.

Check with your doctor:

The doctor will refer you to other care providers to help you cope with your feelings. Moreover, he or she can prescribe medications you can use and keep a close eye on your recovery.

Resume usual routine:

Do not allow the accident to rob you of your ability to engage in what you do every other day. Try to get back to your lifestyle even when it seems uncomfortable or scary. It is an essential part of the healing process.

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