Vantage Leasing – Time To Go Electric or Hybrid?

We live in interesting times as hybrids have already become as good as traditional combustion engine cars and for the first time, electric cars can be considered as a legitimate and practical option for prospective car owners. This has probably never happened in history where people looking to lease a new car can consider three very different options. However, this also presents people with a new conundrum. Should you stick with what was the safe choice of a car with an internal combustion engine or should you go the hybrid or electric route? Let us answer that question.

Hybrids Are A Very Real Option

Hybrids have been around for a long time but true petrol heads have derided them as something that dilutes everything that is good about cars. While that was true in the first couple of years, that is no longer the case. Driving a hybrid is no longer a compromise. If anything hybrid cars have made the motor industry far more exciting than it ever was. What is even better is the fact that these cars are available in all flavours ranging from small hatchbacks to hypercars and all of them are actually more exciting to drive. They are also available at all price points and thus this is the most versatile option for the time being. If you are looking for the perfect middle-ground, this is it.

Electric Cars Are Finally Here

The funny thing about electric cars is that they have been around for almost as long as regular cars have been but they never caught on as practicality was always an issue. Everything from the batteries and range to charging durations were just too impractical which made them at best a novelty item. That is, however, no longer the case and electric cars have become good enough that they can now serve as an everyday transportation option. Tesla has made great strides as far as electric cars are concerned and that has also forced the other car manufacturers to up their game. While there are still a few kinks to be ironed out, these cars are good enough and if you love to be on the cutting-edge then an electric car is the way to go.

The Environment Does Need Protection

None of this should, of course, distract from the fact that climate change is real and the environment needs our help to come back to normalcy. Reducing carbon emissions from cars is one of the best ways to do so and hybrid and electric cars are an excellent avenue for that. They may require a bit of getting used to at first but they can be just as fun if not more than a traditional car fitted with a petrol or diesel engine. Another very good reason to go down this route is that their prices have finally come down to a point where it should no longer be an issue and with Vantage Leasing, you can get excellent leasing options on the best hybrid and electric cars out there at the moment.

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