Things to Consider Before Upgrading Your Ride

It’s pretty normal to splurge on all of the fancy bells and whistles that are available as upgrades for your car. 

You want your car to perform as efficient and effective as possible. That’s understandable. Let’s not forget to mention, though, the fact that we live in a society that is all too focused on “the bigger the better”; a society where we are in a constant competition to out-do our neighbours – to show off. 

But are all of those bells and whistles really worth what they may cost you? 

To help you make a more educated and sensible decision, we’ve outlined a few important things you should consider before upgrading your ride – take a look… you’ll thank us later.

Think First – Upgrade Later

Before going out and blowing an entire pay-cheque (or more) on that new light-bar, those sleek rims, or that badass lift kit, do some research!

As with most decisions in life, there are both pros and cons to most upgrades

Weigh out those pros and cons by asking yourself some of these important questions:

  • What’s the purpose of this upgrade?

Some upgrades will undoubtedly increase the performance of your vehicle – and these ones are usually worth looking into. Upgrades such as performance tires, for example, don’t have many cons associated with them, except maybe the cost.

On the other hand, many modifications are meant solely for the enjoyment of the driver or aesthetic appeal of the vehicle. 

  • What’s the cost of this upgrade?

Once you’ve determined whether or not there is a real need for the upgrade or it is simply a fun idea – you need to price out how much the upgrade will cost and determine whether or not you feel the upgrade is worth the cost.

  • Are there any potential risks/problems associated with this upgrade?

Typically, vehicle upgrades will offer increased performance. However, some popular modifications may actually cause your vehicle more harm than good.

For example, certain modifications may interfere with the vehicles electronic programming, which can cause a multitude of problems. This is especially true in newer vehicles where many of the main functions of the vehicle are controlled electronically. 

  • Is this upgrade legal?

This may sound like a dumb question – but in fact a lot of popular vehicle modifications are actually against the law. 

Those dark tinted windows you wanted? That radar detector you think might come in handy? That huge lift kit that you think will look cool but will really just make it look like you’re insecure with yourself as a man? 

You got it – against the law.

Before upgrading your vehicle, ensure you are keeping it within what’s legally allowed.

Shop Smart

By taking these questions into consideration, you can save your time, effort, and money, by only investing those things into upgrades that are truly worth it. Not only will your bank account thank you, but your vehicle will as well.

And hey – it is okay to treat yourself every once in a while, so even if that upgrade you were contemplating is only aesthetic, that doesn’t make it a bad buy. It’s all about balance.

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