The security of pop-top roof latches

Pop-top roofs are popular for caravans because of the versatility they provide. Using a pop-top, you can have a roof that protects your things while you’re driving, but you can put it up when you get to your destination.

However, while they offer versatility, they offer some risk as well. It’s because pop-top roofs are known for news reports of caravans which pop-top roofs detach while at speed on the highway, putting other people in danger of accidents.

Of course, it’s not a common occurrence, but still, it happens, and of course, no one thinks that such a thing can happen to them. But, even if it looks good enough, you can never predict when accidents or misfortune will happen, which is why you need to give more attention to your pop-top roof.

For those who use a pop-top and for hybrid camper owners, it’s important to check if the latches that attach it to the caravan are secure enough.

Generally, most people use four over-centre latches to attach a pop-top roof to their caravan. However, the problem is that the design of over-centre latches isn’t exactly bulletproof, as it has some risks that might put you, your things, and other people in danger.

If you want to know the risks of using pop-top roofs, how to deal with them, and the problems that you might encounter, you can read everything you need in this article.

Latches can detach during travel

When the latches of pop-top roofs detach from campers when driving, there are two main reasons why it can happen.

The first reason is that it can be because the pop-top wasn’t installed properly and not being secured into the over centre position. On the other hand, the other reason might be due to weight. When you travel, the contents of your caravan can move around when not secured. It can lead to an unbalanced weight distribution, which, in turn, can encourage the latches to detach.

It’s a great danger both to you and other motorists when this happens. It’s because such an accident can damage your camper and cause the vehicles around you into an accident by no fault of their own. In the worst case, they can hit or run over it, and it can result in injuries or even casualties.

Furthermore, it’s also a financial problem when this happens, as you have to pay for the necessary repairs to your caravan, your things, and other people troubled by the incident. If it leads to injuries, you might even need to cover the hospital bills.

Latch failure and corrosion are dangerous

These are the dangers of over-centre latches when it comes to latch failures and corrosion:

  • The walls of thin pop rivets used as pivot pins in camper trailer latches often are too thin, and their diameter size is also too small. Furthermore, they aren’t strong, which is the cause of failure when they encounter too much force or weight, more often than not.
  • Because of pop rivets, the latch may become stiff to operate. It can lead to injuries when the latch handle is protruding at a 90-degree angle to the van.
  • Of course, when the latch gets damaged or becomes corroded or rusty, it may become unusable and dangerous. Often, these things happen when it’s often moist or when you tighten the latch too much.

Latch failures can cause physical and financial damage or injuries, as they can be detached in certain circumstances and hit someone on the road with you, which can be dangerous, especially when the latch is at eye level.

Most of these reasons are caused by the weak material used by some latch manufacturers to push for affordability. However, they are also compromising reliability. Since it’s cheap material, it can be prone to damage and corrosion.

Furthermore, latch failures can destroy your lifting cable mechanism when the pop-top opens abruptly while the over-centre latches are still attached. Of course, it will try to rip itself off. When your lifting table mechanism breaks due to a latch failure, your pop-top won’t be of use anymore. It’s a simple thing, but it happens a lot, and it can really cause so much hassle.

Imagine yourself on a trip, and suddenly it fails. Instead of driving to your destination, you’ll be stopped somewhere on the road, and you need to get it repaired by a professional. Not only does it cost time, but it can cost money, typically around $300 to $400.

A solution to this is using camper trailer latches made of a strong material like stainless steel. Of course, they are more expensive, but they are guaranteed to pay off in the long run and help you avoid caravan latch failure problems.

Furthermore, it’s not just about saving money on possible damages. It’s also about being a responsible caravan owner and making your vehicle safe for yourself and other drivers around you.

Secure your camper trailer with a high-quality latch

Pop-top caravans aren’t cheap. However, even at their price, most of them still use weak materials and use designs that are at risk for failure.

But, of course, this shouldn’t be a reason or excuse to endanger yourself or other drivers by not doing anything to improve things. If you drive a camper trailer, make sure to be careful in using your pop-top and use high-quality over centre latches, so you can have a safe and fun drive without putting yourself and others in danger.

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