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	Comments on: The Pros and Cons of Remote Starters	</title>
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	<description>#1 Car Tips for Driving Long Distances</description>
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		By: Tammie Houston		</title>

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					<description><![CDATA[I never realized that a remote car starter could add another layer of security to your vehicle. The fact that it can just close your locks as well is sure to be a big help to me, as I find that I often leave the locks open when I get in in the morning. Thankfully, nothing bad has happened due to my forgetful habits yet, but you can never be too sure so I&#039;ll make sure to have one installed in my vehicle as soon as I can.]]></description>
			<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>I never realized that a remote car starter could add another layer of security to your vehicle. The fact that it can just close your locks as well is sure to be a big help to me, as I find that I often leave the locks open when I get in in the morning. Thankfully, nothing bad has happened due to my forgetful habits yet, but you can never be too sure so I&#8217;ll make sure to have one installed in my vehicle as soon as I can.</p>

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