The Five Most Common Truck Accident Causes

Truck driving is one of the most underappreciated, but absolutely essential jobs in America. Without drivers willing to haul cargo cross-country for hours at a time, most American businesses would be at a standstill. While being a truck driver is not an exceptionally dangerous job, truck accidents tend to be a lot more destructive than accidents involving other types of vehicles. The reason for this is clear; trucks are far larger and heavier than other vehicles on the road, so there will likely be more destruction and devastation when they get into an accident.

That is especially unfortunate for the other people involved in the accident because they are likely to face serious injuries and a lot of damage to their vehicles, both of which can be quite costly, both emotionally and financially. However, anyone who was involved in a truck accident has the right to get compensation for any losses they suffered because of the accident. A lawyer gives you the best chance of getting that compensation because the trucking company will have lawyers of their own to push back against your compensation claims, so you need one of your own to even the odds. If you live in the St. Louis area, then lawyers Hipskind and McAninch can help you with your claim.

  1. Driver Mistakes

Truck drivers are similar to other drivers on the road in that they occasionally make mistakes or show poor judgement, but since they are behind the wheel of a large multi-ton vehicle, those mistakes have far more dire consequences. Drowsy driving is one of the more frequent causes of truck accidents, which is understandable because drivers are on the road for hours at a time without rest. The FMCSA (Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration) has regulations that limit the hours of service for truck drivers to fourteen consecutive hours. Even if drivers follow the rules, that is still a lot of time on the road without rest, so a driver can still get fatigued and end up causing an accident.

Many people will occasionally drive under the influence and truck drivers are no different in that regard. Some truck drivers operate their vehicles while under the influence of alcohol or drugs and as with regular drivers, that inebriation can lead to accidents. In many cases, those drugs are amphetamines or other stimulants that are meant to keep them alert and awake as they drive for hours at a time. However, those drugs can have detrimental effects on the driver’s performance, which can lead to errors that can lead to accidents. Distracted driving is also a common occurrence that has a high probability to cause accidents.

  1. Poor Vehicle Maintenance

All vehicles need regular maintenance but trucks need even more than regular vehicles. That is because they are driven far more frequently, and for much longer distances than standard vehicles, which means that they experience a lot more wear and tear. Truck fleets should be maintained regularly by the trucking company and the driver should perform maintenance checks at the start of their shift. That is because a poorly maintained vehicle can cause an accident if a key piece of equipment fails at an inopportune time.

  1. Improperly Loaded Cargo

The cargo a truck is carrying needs to be carefully loaded and weighed otherwise it could adversely affect the handling of the vehicle. If the cargo is too heavy, then that could affect the braking distance of the truck and make it harder for the driver to react in situations where they need to suddenly stop the truck. If the cargo is imbalanced, then that could have a negative effect on the handling of the truck and make it more likely to roll over when rounding a corner.

  1. Poor Driving Performance

Drivers make bad judgement calls all the time, but when a truck driver makes a bad call, it can be harder to correct that mistake because they are in a less agile vehicle. As far as trucking is concerned, poor performance can mean speeding or changing lanes too quickly; in both those cases it can be difficult for the driver to maintain control of their vehicle if they make a mistake, which can lead to accidents. The driver might try to correct their error by overcompensating and end up causing an accident anyway.

  1. Inclement Weather

Bad weather is particularly hazardous to trucks, especially when the weather causes the road to get slippery. Heavy rain, snow, or ice are dangerous conditions for any vehicle but even more so for trucks because handling and braking are much more difficult in those conditions. Heavy winds can buffet the cargo being carried by the truck which can have an adverse effect on how it handles. Drastic temperature changes can also affect the tire pressure which can also negatively affect the handling of the truck.

Contact a Lawyer If You Get Into a Truck Accident

As you can see, there are a lot of things that can cause a truck accident, some of them the driver can control and some they can’t. Regardless of the cause, you should contact a personal injury lawyer if you get into a truck accident. An attorney can take on the trucking company and fight to get you the compensation that you need.

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