The Car Repairs You Can Do Yourself

Regular car maintenance and repair will keep your vehicle in optimal conditions. Unknown to many, there are several DIY car repair projects one can do without spending a lot of money. Here are some of the car repairs you can do yourself:

  1. Replacing Air Filter 

Changing your air filter is one DIY car maintenance that you can easily handle. When the air filters are clogged, your car is likely to experience low performance. This includes failed sensors which can then result in the catalytic converter failing. Hence, you need to replace your filter every 12 months or 12,000 miles in order to boost its performance and increase power mileage.

  1. Changing Windshield Wipers

Changing your windshield wipers is probably one of the easiest car repairs you can do. For this simple DIY procedure, you may only require new wipers and a screwdriver.Basically, you will need to lift the blades and the strips of rubber on the old wipers and replace them with new ones. 

  1. Changing the Engine Oil

It is highly recommendable to change the oil on a regular basis so as to improve the car’s performance. To change the oil, place an oil drain pan below the bolt and undo the bolt. Then unscrew the filter and drain the oil into the drain pan. After replacing the oil drain plug, use a funnel to empty the fresh oil into the oil filler hole.

  1. Replacing Spark Plugs

You might need to change your spark plugs if your car is having problems starting. Replacing your own spark plugs will not only make your car drive smoothly but will also save you both money and time. 

To change the plug, remove the wire of the spark plug first. For this exercise, you will need a socket wrench with the spark plug socket. Note that you should not remove all the wires at once since the sparkplugs are installed on a certain order. Install the new sparkplug by hand and use a wrench to tighten it. 

  1. Installing A New Battery 

Are you trying to start your car and nothing happens? Well, this can be a sign that the battery is dead. Replacing your car’s battery is a simple task and should be done every four years. A wrench is all you will need to perform this process.

Begin by removing the battery terminals, starting with the negative cable – the one in colorblack. Then, clean the posts and install the new battery with the negative cable last. 

  1. Changing Fuel Filters

Changing the fuel filter can protect your engine from damage and save you hundreds of dollars. Always change the fuel filters regularly in order to keep the carburettor and fuel injection working properly. 

Firstly, begin by relieving the fuel system pressure.If you don’t do this, the results can be explosive. Then, detach the fuel lines from the fuel filter, change the fuel filter, and replace it with a new one. 

  1. Installing New Headlight Bulbs

Save money by changing the headlight bulbs yourself. Just ask for assistance at the store in order to find the right bulbs for your car. After turning off your car, remove the headlight cover using a screwdriver. Also, ensure that you use a cloth or towel to hold the bulbs as oil can make them burn out quicker.


Having your car repaired by a professional can cost hundreds of dollars. However, there are some small car repairs that you can do by yourself to save a few dollars. Things like oil change and battery and sparkplug replacement are just some of the car repairs you can do yourself to keep your vehicle in optimal conditions. 

The common tools you will need for these repairs include a wrench, screwdriver, pliers, and the best floor jack.

On the other hand, if you are unable to fix some parts, be sure to get help from a professional.

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