Steps To Take After a Car Accident

Car accidents are a common occurrence in Malaysia. Traffic can get hectic and before you know it, you are caught up in a collision. What do you do after a car accident is not your fault? No matter whose fault it is, you want to make sure that you are able to claim your car insurance, in case your car is badly damaged.

Follow this quick to-do list with the steps to take after a car accident. Car insurance is important, follow this list to make sure your car insurance claim is a success.

  1. Ensure your safety

You have just been in an accident. The first thing to do is check for immediate danger. If you’ve been in a heavy crash your car might be in a bad condition. If for any reason, you suspect that it is no longer safe to remain in your car, you should get out immediately.

If you feel that you are safe, make sure to check yourself for any physical injuries. Be sure to check your head and neck very thoroughly, because whiplash is a very common injury in car accidents. Because of the shock, you might also not notice pain at first, so be sure to check yourself carefully.

  1. Step out of the vehicle and observe the situation

Get out of the vehicle and start assessing the damages to your car and to the other driver’s car. Take pictures of everything and from every angle. It’s technically not required but nevertheless useful to help make your claim a success. Only take pictures when you are safe and the situation permits it.

  1. Contact your Insurance company

This part is very important so don’t skip it. Immediately after the accident, you should contact the insurance provider. The insurance provider will then assist with the following process and if it’s inclusive in their coverage, the insurance provider will also provide accident assist which may include towing of the vehicle.

  1. File a police report

Make sure that you file a police report within 24 hours of the accident. This is very important because the police report is a mandatory part of your insurance claim. Be sure to ask for a certified copy, as you might need it later during your insurance claim.

  1. Make sure you have everything you need

When claiming your insurance in Malaysia, you will need a variety of documents, depending on your claim. Different insurance providers might ask for more documentation than others. In any case, the following documents will definitely help the process:

  • The personal particulars of the drivers involved in the road accident: names, IC numbers, addresses, driving license numbers and contact details.
  • The names of the insurers of the other vehicles.
  • Make/models and registration numbers of the other vehicles in the roadside accident.
  • Registration numbers of tow trucks(if applicable)
  • Photos of the accident and the damages, notes of the extent of the damages
  • Be sure to file a police report and inform your insurer within 24 hours of the accident.

Use this checklist every time, so you know exactly what to do after a car accident. That being said, your car insurance cost might be affected by other factors.

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