Psychological Injuries After A Car Accident

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Any car accident can result in something ranging from serious to downright tragic consequences. Frequently, these consequences are physical injuries, some of which are immediately obvious, whereas others take longer to show up.

However, collisions don’t just break bones and hurt physical bodies. There is often an emotional consequence to vehicle accidents as well, and it can happen even when there are no physical injuries.

Confidence Shattered

People can go years or even decades without being in any crash, and so they grow confident in their ability to drive safely and keep their passengers safe. However, even if through no fault of their own, a sudden collission changes reality instantly. Everyone suddenly remembers how dangerous driving can be and how they can hurt at any time.

Any car accident injury attorney can tell you that even if you walk away from a crash with little physical injury if any at all, you might still carry an emotional impact for weeks to years. Knowing what to do immediately after a car accident is crucial, but so is knowing what you can do about the lasting psychological impact in the long run.

Crucial Steps You Should Take Following A Vehicle Accident

The first handful of moments following any car accident are crucial in any situation. You need to make sure that you and your passengers are physically okay, and you need to verify the same for any occupants of other involved vehicles or inflicted pedestrians. Summon emergency medical services immediately for anyone who might need attention. Also have local law enforcement show up to document the incident.

The Following Steps

In the immediate aftermath of any accident, once you know everyone’s first-aid needs are being tended to, you need to start taking steps that a personal injury

Stay There: If you can do so safely, stay at the collision scene until such time as you can appropriately leave. If you fail to do this, then you risk being criminally charged as a ‘hit and run’ motorist, even if you think you weren’t at fault.

Talk To The Police: When law enforcement shows up, be sure you have them file a formal accident report. Also, get the contact information for every officer that responds to your collision scene in case your car accident injury attorney needs to reach out to them later.

Exchange Information: The police aren’t the only ones you need to get information from. Talk to any other drivers and passengers that were involved in your collision. Write down or use your phone to record their identities, license numbers, insurance details, and contact information. Be friendly as you do this, but don’t admit any error or apologize for what happened. If they record or document this, or if it’s just witnessed by someone, then your personal injury lawyer is going to have a much harder time negotiating or pursuing your compensation later.

Get Witness Statements: On top of getting the contact information those involved, try and talk to any witnesses that were present but not directly involved. Take notes or record what they say while their memory is fresh. Such statements can be very powerful when pursuing damages.

Snap Photos: Everyone carries a smartphone with them these days, so use it to get images of the entire accident scene as well specific damage to your vehicle. Also pull together any pictures of your car or vehicle from before the accident.

Use Your Best Discretion: Be careful in terms of talking about the incident with any others outside your immediately trusted social circle. Don’t talk to representatives of any insurance provider on your own, unless of course they’re from your own insurance company. Let your California auto accident lawyer handle these matters so you don’t do anything that hurts your case or chances at compensation.

Document Your Experience: If you’ve been in an accident before, you probably know how to handle yourself through the aforementioned steps. You might even feel good after an accident if you seem physically fine because you’ll be relieved at that. However, you still need to document all damage or injuries that are sustained. Part of this starts with having a doctor check you out as quickly as possible. Follow up with documenting any disruptions, pains, or anxiety you feel, be they physical or emotional. Track your diagnoses and conversations with medical and psychological professionals. Also keep a log of other kinds of losses you experience, such as missed work, vacations, family events, and other anticipated or planned occurrences.

Your Mind Matters

Many victims of car accidents and collisions focus only on the physical effects of their incident, while not paying as much attention to their mental and emotional health. In fact, quite a few just ignore those facets entirely.

Still, psychological impacts and emotional distress can happen after a sudden collision. Symptoms can include anxiety, mood swings, feelings of anguish, and mood swings that include bouts of crying and/or anger. Victims might also feel fearful and humiliated while also dealing with loss of sleep, appetite, and just general interest in life.

Symptoms like these can prove disruptive to your life, possibly to the point of interfering with your ability to go to school or work. Some individuals even find it hard to get up in the morning. Further compounding the problem is that a fear of another accident can keep you from getting back into any car, keeping you from obligations you need, like treatment appointments following your condition. Emotional distress can last for only a short while, but it can also persist for a long time. If there’s enough pain and suffering or disruption to your income and relationships, you may be entitled to the compensation that a personal injury lawyer can get you.

Always Remember This

If you’ve suffered injuries, psychological and/or physical, because of the carelessness of another driver, then you have legal rights. Use them to hold the driver responsible for their actions or lack thereof as you pursue the compensation you deserve and need. Contact West Coast Trial Lawyers for additional information. The right California auto accident lawyer can make a world of difference in your case and life after a tragic or serious vehicle accident.

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