Planning a long journey: Essential tips and tricks

Everyone dreams of setting out on the open road and journeying around their own country or even in foreign lands. Whilst it might be tempting to just get in your car and go, there are loads of considerations to make before you are setting out on your adventure. This article will give you the inside knowledge on what to check and prepare for so that your enjoyable road trip stays that way.

Who is doing the driving? 

This may sound like an obvious one but for those journeys that are going to last over multiple days, it is an essential consideration to make. Not only is it massively unfair on one person to be expected to do all the driving but doing long stretches behind the wheel can often lead to accidents. Splitting it up amongst the group allows for everyone to enjoy the trip whilst being safe and secure. If you are by yourself, make sure to take plenty of breaks especially when driving at night.


If there are going to be multiple drivers then you are all going to need to be covered by the insurance. It is not worth the risk to not have insurance especially as you will then have to spend an age on the phone with your insurer and lawyers discussing a case for a car accident settlement. It can be tempting to skip this phase, especially if one person is doing most of the driving, however, nobody can plan for an accident. Better just to insure everyone in the car for the duration of your journey.


What to take on a road trip can be one of the most stressful decisions to make. But it is important to remember the boring stuff as well as the fun accessories. Making sure you have proper documentation, maps, navigation, first aid, torches, spare tires are just as important as remembering to pack your swimming shorts and sunglasses. Make sure that you have plenty of space in the car for all your requirements and don’t get side-tracked by your holiday luxuries.

Pre-journey maintenance checks

Not the most exciting start to any journey but an essential one, nonetheless. Double-check that your car has enough oil, coolant, tire pressure, and washer fluid so that you know, you are not going to get caught without them when you need them. Checking that both your headlights are working is also recommended especially if night driving is on the agenda. There is nothing scarier than driving a road you don’t know without proper lighting.

Planning your route

Whilst exploring the wilderness without a route in mind does sound immediately romantic and ideal, this can lead to problems in your journey. Having a set route can ensure that you make your journey on time and stress-free. However, if that is too restrictive, you can plan your journey around certain stops and just head in their general direction. This will allow you to explore and adventure without the fear of being lost in the desert.


The most important thing to do before a trip is to make sure that you are going to enjoy it. There is no point in lumbering through all this prep work if you aren’t going to enjoy where you are going.

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