How to Use Car Mirrors for Parking

Many drivers out there will admit that reverse parking is one of the trickiest mysteries they have had to encounter. This careful calibration requires the driver to execute multiple tasks simultaneously occasionally making educated stabs in the dark. Talk of balancing the pedals, precisely balancing the steering wheel, and second-guessing the precise location of the wall or pillar.

We have heard of multiple incidents where drivers accidentally reversed over toddlers in driveways resulting in serious injuries or even death.


Photo Credit: Howard Blau Law

Unfortunately, these are not unique events as they are replicated almost on a daily basis. According to a research conducted by Allianz, 84% of maneuvering accidents do happen when driving compared to 16% while going forward.

Parking technology hasn’t made things better either. Despite the massive uptake of parking sensors and heavy reliance on parking assistants, the research further indicated that the number of reverse accidents went up by 30% over the last decade.

To eliminate the educated stabs in the dark while parking your car, we have created this brief tutorial to educate you on how to use the good old sidemirror while parking.

But before we do that, let’s briefly have a look at the type of mirrors in a car. Shall we?

Types of Car Mirrors

Irrespective of the car model, there are a number of mirrors essentially fitted to ensure your safety irrespective of the direction you are driving. Combined together they also ensure you asthe driver have an almost 360 degrees view of where you are driving.

Driving Mirror

This is the small mirror located above the driver’s seat. It’s premeditated to help the driver locate and the objects near the car. As a result, the driver is able to estimate the distance between the car and the objects behind.

Rear View Mirror

This mirror serves the driver in viewing objects near themas they reflect the objects to the interior driving mirror.

Front View Mirror

Similar to the driving mirror, the front view mirror also lets the driver see nearby objects.  They are used together with the rearview mirror.

Side Mirror

The side mirrors allow you to see objects on the left and right side. Side mirrors are particularly important because they can capture even the objects not captured by the other mirrors.

Now to the bull in the house:

Using the Side Mirrors for Parking

A seamless parking is primarily pegged on how well all your mirrors are adjusted. This is because a slight angle misalignment in the mirrors could see you knock down a pillar or even scratch your car.

Follow the following easy steps

  1. Look for a Big Spot


Photo Credit: 6iee

Before you even consider parking, take a quick look at the parking lot and determine the spot where your car fits.

  1. Position your Car


Photo Credit: wikiHOWtodoanything

Slowly align your car side-to-side to the adjacent car ensuring that you have an allowance of approximately one meter.

  1. Adjust your Mirrors


Photo Credit:Yourmechanic

When we say adjust your mirrors, it doesn’t simply mean tilting them. It’s sort of a ritual that you should always instill within yourself. The first mirror to adjust is the driving mirror. This is because it shows you what’s happening behind as there could be an oncoming vehicle.

When it comes to the side mirrors, the driver’s side mirror should be adjusted first.Adjust it such that you can see a slight car sliver and the road behind you.

Next, to be adjusted should be the passenger’s side mirror. If your mirrors can’t be automatically adjusted, you will have to manually do it by shifting to the passenger’s seat until you are satisfied with the adjustment.

  1. Start Reversing


Photo credit:Daily Mail Uk

Start backing up with the tires aligned in a straight line until your car’s nose is slightly near behind that of the parked car in front, making a slow right turn. To make sure you are doing it correctly, check your side mirror to see whether the kerb, mirror door, and the car side are forming a triangle shape. Reverse until the triangle is almost invisible and start straightening your wheels.

  1. Align your Wheels


Photo credit: Direct CONNECT

By now, your car nose should almost be adjacent to the next car’s bumper. Keep an eye on how close you are using your side mirror and start straightening your steering.

Proceed to make slight forward moves towards the adjacent car to correctly align your car and leave adequate space and you are good to go.

How to Properly Adjust your Side Mirrors

There is a common misconception on the best way to adjust side mirrors. Many drivers make the mistake of holding the head still and aligning the mirror edge with the car side. The problem with this is that it merely reflects some of the areas already highlighted in the rearview mirror which leaves a wide “real estate” of blind the car side.

The proper formula should instead be:

To adjust the driver’s side mirror, ensure you are leaning to the left with your head resting on the window.  Start adjusting the mirror until you can see the car’s sliver from this position.

For the passenger’s side mirror adjustment, start by leaning towards the center console and start adjusting until the side of your car is barely visible. If your car happens to be manual, you will need someone to help you adjust it accordingly.

In Conclusion

Many people especially beginners find parking using side mirrors difficult. However, once you have mastered the art of properly adjusting your side mirrors, you will be surprised on how easy it is to squeeze a car into a small parking space. The above tips will help you do that exactly. Although it may take time to hone your skills, you can occasionally choose an empty street over the weekend when there is minimal traffic to practice.

Author’s Bio:

Dan Chabert – Writing from Copenhagen, Denmark, Dan is an award-winning web lover and the Co-manager of several sites for your house needs and others. You can check these out That Sweet Gift, Motorful and Runner Click. He is a travel Scholar at the same time a health Enthusiast.

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