How to spot Chinese, Malay or Indian Driving the Cars on Malaysia roads?

Malaysia is a multi-racial, multi-cultural and multi-religion country with a population of about 26 million people who practice various religions.  The main race are Malay followed by Chinese, Indian an etc…

Almost everyone owns a car and drive in urban cities like Kuala Lumpur, Penang, Ipoh, Johor Bahru, Kota Kinabalu.

If you are someone who drive a lot on roads and busybody “kepoh” just like me, you probably able to know how to identify the owner of the car on the road whether the car’s owner is Malay, Chinese or Indian.

Each of the race in Malaysia has their own preference and “taste” of their vehicle in term of brand, outlook, and performance.

Keep it mind, this article is written based just our perspective and what we observed on the roads, and may not accurate 100% all the time, but this serve as guidelines.

We respect the differences between everyone of us in Malaysia, and no one has better “taste” than anyone else

Cars Driving by Malay Drivers

Honestly, when it come to cars, no other race beat Malay than taking their cars really well. Most of them proud of their ride, be it Perodua or Lexus.

Green Perodua Myvi by Malay Owner

Most Malay car owners love their cars more than anything, and they willing to groom by constantly polishing, waxing, coating, repaint to Green, Blue, Yellow, Red and other rare colours on markets.

Proton Wira by Malay car owner – source Galeri Kereta

They are the one who love good appearance of the cars with some cool style too. Other than the grooming, you will see them modified their cars with bigger wheels, lowered suspension, carbon fibre hood and loud straight flow, exhaust muffler.

During holiday season, you will see these cars filled with family members. They love to bring their car and family together for adventures. Often they can be found at beaches, some nice hills, and even nice parks around Malaysia.

Cars Driving by Chinese Drivers

Most Chinese drivers don’t prioritise (“gila/siao”) cars as much as Malay, only some minority Chinese are “gila kereta”.

Chinese are more particular about their lifestyles, and houses rather than cars, thus they spend less time and money on the cars.

Usually the cars driving by Chinese are pretty standard, and it look exactly the same as when they purchase the car from sales office.

They go car service according to schedule, and don’t even know where the car battery located.

Jason Leong with Proton Wira review
Jason Leong with Proton Wira review

They don’t care the wheels size are small, dull and boring, and never send for car wash even after years! For them, as long as the car can send them from point A to point B, then is fine.

As long as the car is still moving, they don’t do anything about it.

Of course, there are still minority of Chinese who really love car just like I do. These people willing to sacrifice part of their time and some money to tune and groom it, but still far lesser than Malay drivers.

Extremely Mod Vios 3
Extremely Mod Vios 3

Traditionally, Chinese hate black colour and love red colours. For Chinese, black symbolised bad luck or death, while red bring happiness and good luck.

Chinese car wedding
Chinese wedding cars

On the roads, if you saw white, red, silver (stock colours) cars without black tints, but instead sticked with cheap UV plastics sunshades, most probably are driving by Chinese.

The Chinese don’t emphasised so much about car modification, but if they are rich Chinese, then they will probably get the expensive cars instead of just modified the cars.

Mini Cooper Malaysia Club
Mini Cooper Malaysia Club

Only minority Chinese car enthusiasts who really love cars go beyonds the majority. They will spend some good amount of money to groom and modified their cars, and very seldom the cars are really loud or fast. They are more to aesthetics outlook purpose.

TVCK Cars Shot Outdoor Malacca
TVCK Cars Shot Outdoor Malacca

And there are some idiot actually claimed his Toyota Vios can hit 200km/h:

My 200KM/H Crap Toyota Vios 2010 Review
My 200KM/H Crap Toyota Vios 2010 Review

Cars Driving by Indian Drivers

Indian race are the most interesting as compared to Malay and Chinese in automotive industry.

A lot of Indian guys love cars as much as Malay and some of them really go beyond the exceptions.

For Indian, cars represent their status. The more expensive the cars, the higher the status, and they respect and value it that way.

Indian Wedding with Blue BMW
Indian Wedding with Blue BMW

They really love BMW and other luxury cars, and they love BLUE and BLACK cars very much, which is opposite to Chinese in term of colours selection.

Indian Car Owners
Indian Car Owners
Indian Car Club gathering - by Bambush Revamp
Indian Car Club gathering – by Bambush Revamp
Indian Car Club gathering - by Bambush Revamp 2
Indian Car Club gathering – by Bambush Revamp 2

In car modifications, only minority of Indian really into the mod. Often you can see these people mod their car which fancy lightning and loud speakers. Sometimes, they make their exhaust pipe come out fire too!

Blessing on Car
Blessing on Car

Indian believe in car blessing for safer ride. If you are lucky, you may spot the newly owned cars blessed with the mark on the plate number.

Anything else that we missed out over here? If yes, let us know how you guys spot the car driving by Chinese, Malay and Indian on roads!

Don’t forget to “SHARE” this article to all your Malay, Chinese and Indian friends who gila Kereta!

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