How To Know When It’s Time To Upgrade Your Car

Buying a car is one of the biggest investments you can make outside of buying a house. Because of this, some people wait until their car is near the end of its use before thinking about upgrading. However, how can you tell if your car needs to be upgraded or if it can carry on for a while longer? 


Lack Of Reliability

Everyone dreads their car not starting in the morning when they are trying to get to work. Although this can happen to any car, if the situation continues to be a regular occurrence, then you may be looking at a car that needs to be replaced. 

There are various used car options around Essex and beyond that can help you decide on a new car. These will be reliable and stop the uncertainty as to whether your car will work when you need it most. 

If you are finding that you are getting problems with your car’s reliability at an increasing rate, then this is a good sign you need to upgrade. 

Rising Repair Bills

As cars get older and have more miles on the clock, they start to need the garage more often. Minor parts can wear easily, but if you are starting to see the cost of repairs increasing, then it could be a cause for concern. 

There comes a time when the repair bills add up to more than the value of the car itself. At this point, upgrading your car is a better option than trying to keep your old car roadworthy. This can be a particular problem at MOT time when big issues keep occurring. 

Repeatedly Fails MOT

The MOT is designed to ensure that your car is safe to drive on the roads. This means checking many of the components and structure of the car to ensure there are no defects or wear. 

Most cars will develop a fault that shows up in the MOT from time to time; however, if there starts to be a regular issue every year, or the problems are getting bigger, then this could be a good time to think about a new car. 

High Mileage

A car with over 100,000 miles on the clock is not unique. Many modern cars are capable of this and are still reliable. However, with increased mileage also comes more maintenance so if you are not prepared to start spending more money keeping your car on the road, then you may need to think about an upgrade. 

A change In Circumstances

Sometimes things change in your life that force you to re-evaluate what type of car you need. This could include a new addition to the family, or your children growing up, which might mean no longer need a family car. 


There can be many reasons why you need to upgrade your car, some of them are practical while others are financial. Whatever the reason, you should always try to buy one that will meet your current needs and will last you a few years.

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