How A Car Accident Can Affect Your Life

A car accident can be a life-changing event, throwing motorists’ health, life, and finances in turmoil. Severe accidents often result in permanent effects that will plague the involved parties for the rest of their lives. However, even a minor accident can trigger major repercussions.

Dealing With Death And Its Aftermath

Motorists who lose a loved one due to a car accident will have lifelong emotional and mental trauma as a result. The grief can be especially severe when the motorist was at fault. An at-fault motorist will have to struggle with the ramifications of their actions when the accident results in the death of one of the other parties involved.

Physical Injuries

Even a mild car accident can inflict permanent damage to a motorist’s body. The chronic pain and reduced abilities of such an injury can dramatically reduce a motorist’s physical abilities and quality of life. Physical damage such as scars or burns can leave triggering, physical reminders of the accident as well. Even short-term injuries that can be cured or resolved can have significant impact on the motorist’s life, especially when the injury leads directly to loss of income.

You can also read about the most common car accident injuries on The Accident Guys Website. Neck injuries are one common, and their website mentions, “The incredible pressure on the ligaments of the neck causes strains and sprains.”

Emotional And Mental Damage

Chick on the car hood

The more severe a car accident is, the more likely that the motorists involved will develop emotional problems that will impact every aspect of their life. Emotional and mental illnesses associated with automobile accidents include a fear of driving, PTSD, depression, and lack of sleep due to frequent nightmares. These problems can be even more severe if the motorist’s auto insurance policy does not cover the costs of the therapy or treatment that the motorist needs to cure or mitigate these problems.

Rearranging Activities To Accommodate The Lack Of A Vehicle

The severity of damage to a motorist’s car can have effects ranging from days of inconvenience to a major upheaval of the motorist’s mobility and ability to complete tasks. Repairs that require days or weeks could cause logistical issues for the motorist unless they can afford a rental car or have rental insurance. When a car is rendered unsalvageable due to an accident, the motorist can be left with no clear way to acquire a replacement vehicle, especially if the motorist’s insurance does not include gap coverage for unpaid leases or has a low policy maximum.

Significant Loss Of Time And Money

Dealing with the aftermath of an accident can significantly drain a motorist’s time and finances. Dealing with insurance companies, arranging repairs or alternatives to the car, and tending to health issues associated with the accident increase the number of bills and reduce the amount and quality of free time for the motorist. These losses are especially pronounced when insurance companies resist or deny claims or when the motorist is liable for the damages resulting from the accident.

When a car accident victim sustains serious physical injuries, recovery can take a long time, restricting the person from performing at work. For example, if you suffer from an arm fracture, the healing period can take six to eight weeks, which is equivalent to lost hours which could have been paid for if the accident hadn’t prevented you from working. More so, nerve injury or spinal cord injury could result in permanent paralysis, completely stopping you from working. Just imagine the financial impact of disability to your family, which can jeopardize your children’s future.

The severity of the accident and the actions of the motorist – which include the time before, during, and immediately after the accident – can bring a variety of penalties ranging from traffic tickets to decades in prison. Motorists who can prove that they are 100% not at fault and that obey the federal and state laws have a strong chance of not being held legally responsible. Motorists who are at fault, but obeyed laws to the best of their abilities, will face penalties such as traffic tickets, increased insurance premiums, and a possible revocation of their driver’s license. Penalties increase dramatically for accidents resulting in death and for motorists who engage in illegal activity – such as drunk driving and hit-and-run. Motorists who plead guilty or are found guilty in a court of law can face up to hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines as well as extended periods of incarceration.

Legal ramifications also include trauma or death associated with the car accident, most especially when children are involved. If a child sustains physical injuries due to a vehicle accident, the parent can file a personal injury claim because of someone else’s carelessness. For instance, if a car accident happens within the school premises, the institution may be liable for the child’s injuries apart from the party who directly caused the accident.

Some car accidents lead to miscarriage as the collision causes placental abruption, separating the placenta from the uterus. In other cases, collisions can lead to premature delivery. Visit the website to learn more about birth injury trauma.  

Whereas many car accidents can be prevented by measures such as driving defensively and not driving under any state of impairment, some accidents where no party is at fault will still occur. Being mentally and financially prepared to deal with a car accident can help lessen the impact of the accident’s ramifications. Steps such as reviewing and modifying insurance policies and establishing emergency contacts are ways to reduce the physical, emotional, and financial impact of an automobile accident.

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