How to DIY Fix Bad Smell in Car Air Conditioner Vents with Lysol

I found out my 4 years old Toyota Vios air conditioner vents produced some bad smell. Just few months back, I had my cabin air filter replaced but the bad smell is still there every time I turned ON the car air conditioner. Since replacing the cabin air filter is not helping, then root cause of the bad smell should be came from the car’s air vents. The mold and bacteria have grown up in the car’s air vents, thus produce the bad smell in the car air conditioner vents when I turned ON the car air conditioner. Disinfectant spray such as Lysol can helps us to resolve this problem. Perforated car seat covers are perfect for those who want to protect their seats and enjoy heated or ventilated seats. They allow air circulation to regulate the seat’s temperature and keep you comfortable year-round.

I had bought the Lysol from ACE store, in Queensbaymall with RM35.90. Now let’s kill the molds and bacteria using Lysol, the disinfection spray.

Lysol Disinfection Spray
Lysol Disinfection Spray

Step by step How to DIY Fix Bad Smell in Car Air Conditioner Vents with Lysol

  1. Switch ON the car engine, turn ON the air conditioner in the car and allow the air flow from outside by twisting the air flow setting to the left knob, as below image:
Set the setting to full blast on air conditioner and allow air ventilation from outside air
Set the setting to full blast on air conditioner and allow air ventilation from outside air
  • Put the air flow in full blast and turn up all the air vents:
  • Toyota Vios Air Conditioner Vents
    Toyota Vios Air Conditioner Vents
  • Wind down all the car windows:
  • Wind down all the 4 car windows
    Wind down all the 4 car windows
  • Identified the inlet air flow by putting palm on it, the air flow can be feel from the outside air vents that are sucking into air inlet.
  • Identify the where the air flow from through the air inlet
    Identify the where the air flow from through the air inlet
  • Prepare the Lysol Disinfection Spray by rough shaking for about 1 minutes and  then spray into the air flow inlet for about 2-3 minutes. Spray the Lysol evenly to the air flow inlet to assure the inlet are fully disinfected:
  • Spray the Lysol Disinfection Spray into the air flow inlet
    Spray the Lysol Disinfection Spray into the air flow inlet
    Spray the Lysol Disinfection Spray into the air flow inlet 2
    Spray the Lysol Disinfection Spray into the air flow inlet 2
  • Let the car air conditioner run in full blast for at least 15 minutes to fully disinfect the air conditioner vents and let the strong Lysol scent out from the car too.
  • Toyota Vios Air Conditioner Vents
    Toyota Vios Air Conditioner Vents

    We are done! Now the Toyota Vios air conditioner vents are disinfected with Lysol and the air vents no more produce bad smell. I can pick up my friends and family in my car with confident again 🙂 Don’t forget to give us a ‘Like’ at bottom of the post 🙂

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    9 thoughts on “How to DIY Fix Bad Smell in Car Air Conditioner Vents with Lysol

    1. Pingback: 10 Cleaning Hacks That'll Actually Keep Your Car Clutter Free

      • Kelvin Ang says:

        Hey Jaime,
        thanks for your comment! I appreciate it, and I am still using method whenever my air con vent produce bad smell.
        See you around again.

    2. Pingback: 10 Hacks To Make Your Car Smell Amazing - Love and Marriage

    3. Reynaldo Libutan says:

      Hi Kelvin, your blog is really helpful mostly to new owners of Vios cars. If you can help suggest a new set of rims and tires for my Vios 2015 1.3J manual. The stock is 175/65R14 and I want it to be raised up a little because the undercarriage of the car hits the humps in our subdivision.

      Thank you very much Kelvin and more power to you!!

      • Kelvin Ang says:

        Hi Rey!
        Thanks for drop by!
        I would suggest you to take 185/65/15 tires size and rim as this size is optimum specification for our Vios. I am using the Michelin XM2 wheels and TRD rims, I am satisfied with the performance. You may follow my foot step.
        For the height of the car, I dont really encourage you to raise it up due to our vios default suspension setting is already pretty high. Anything higher than the stock suspension, it would interfere the stability of the car…

    4. Justin says:

      I accidentally stumbled upon your blog and I seriously love your writeups. Thanks for the great tip, just as I was having a major headache on getting rid of the horrendous moldy smell, your article did the job and yes I don’t have that problem anymore in my a/c system now! Thanks!!!

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