How to DIY Car Seats and Carpets Disinfection and Deodorization

Living in hot and humid climate yet occasion raining weathers in Malaysia is making us sweat a lot on the hot day and caused the car seats wet on raining day when we get into our car. The sweat from our bodies will then transferred to our car seats when we get contact to the car seats, thus caused our car seats to be stinky eventually due to bacteria and germs have grown inside the car seats over the time.

On the other side during the raining days, whenever we get dropped by rain water on our skin, clothes and shoes then we get into our car, and then contaminated water from the our skin, clothes and shoes will be transferred to the car seats and carpets and this lead to stinky inside our car.

To eliminate the stinky smell inside the car, we have to disinfection and deodorize the affected car seats and carpets inside the car.

Learn the DIY car seats and carpets disinfection and deodorization at below:

 How to DIY Car Seats and Carpets Disinfection and Deodorization

  1. Purchased a bottle of disinfection spray (Lysol Disinfection Spray). Since my Lysol spray still left a lot from previous usage (Air Conditioner Vents Disinfection with Lysol), I reused back my Lysol Disinfection Spray.
    Lysol Disinfection Spray
    Lysol Disinfection Spray
  2. Prefer to park the car at the open area, where the sun will shine through the car all day (this will to assure the Lysol Disinfection Spray dried up and penetrated into the car seats and carpets effectively).
    Park the car at open area
    Park the car at open area
  3. Spray evenly the Lysol Disinfection Spray onto the car seats include headrest, back rest, driver seat and passenger seats and also the carpets:
    Spray the Lysol Disinfection Spray on the driver seat
    Spray the Lysol Disinfection Spray on the driver seat
    Spray the Lysol Disinfection Spray on the driver seat 2
    Spray the Lysol Disinfection Spray on the driver seat 2
    Spray the Lysol Disinfection Spray on the passenger seats
    Spray the Lysol Disinfection Spray on the passenger seats
    Spray the Lysol Disinfection Spray on the passenger seats 2
    Spray the Lysol Disinfection Spray on the passenger seats 2
    Spray the Lysol Disinfection Spray on the car carpets
    Spray the Lysol Disinfection Spray on the car carpets
  4. Left the car under the hot sun for several hours (3-5 hours), to allowed the Lysol Disinfection Spray to dried up and deodorized the car interior.
  5. After 3-5 hours, then open all the car windows and start the engine and turn on the air-conditioner to full blast to blew out the excess scent from the Lysol Disinfection Spray for about 5 minutes before get into the car.
Lysol Disinfection Spray on Car Seats and Carpets
Lysol Disinfection Spray on Car Seats and Carpets

Now the car seats have being disinfected and deodorized by the Lysol Disinfection Spray. The car seats smell good now and you can pick up your passengers with confident 🙂

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8 thoughts on “How to DIY Car Seats and Carpets Disinfection and Deodorization

    • Kelvin Ang says:

      it will create toxic reaction especially after the application. That is why we recommend to lower down the window and allow full blast of A/C for period of time until the chemical is dry up

  1. Alex Lim says:

    I think after spray can use iron for more heat than the sun. If you sent back to Toyota service center, they will help you do the steam cleaning.

    • Kelvin Ang says:

      Hi Alex,
      thanks for drop by and the suggestion.
      You are right, users can use iron for more effective for the Lysol to penetrate into the seats!
      Hope to see you around again, Alex

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