Car Shopping Guide 101: How To Shop For Used Hybrids

Are you a driver looking to embrace a much more environmentally friendly option for your transportation needs? If so, you don’t need to look further – you can look into driving a hybrid car today.

Hybrid cars are green vehicles that come with alternative fuel options that are viable replacements for today’s fossil fuels. To ease yourself into the world of driving hybrids, you ought to start with a used hybrid first. Not only are they cheaper, but they can give you great value for your money as well. 

Read on to learn more information surrounding how to buy preloved hybrids. 

Know About The Different Types Of Hybrid Cars

Hybrid cars come in different shapes, sizes, models, and the like. There are different kinds of hybrids that you should know about too. When shopping around for used hybrids, be sure to check out the following:   

  • Mild Hybrids 

What differentiates mild hybrids from the rest is that the electric power they have only supports the gasoline engine. A mild hybrid car can’t run on electricity alone. The electric motor enhances the engine upon acceleration from stopping. 

Mild hybrids don’t need plugging because they have a 48-volt electric system. And they have a regenerative braking feature that recharges the car when partnered with gas engine power.  

Cars that are mild hybrids are more affordable because they don’t have the complexity of other hybrids. They’re easier to manage than plug-in hybrid electric vehicles that need plugging to recharge. 

Also, mild hybrids present a cleaner option than conventional gas-engine cars and have more similarities with how to drive them. The mild hybrid car is for you if you prefer a traditional driving experience.  

  • Full Hybrid 

Full hybrids have both electric motors and an internal combustion engine. The full hybrid type can run on the gas engine alone, the electric motor only, or both. Most full hybrids can handle the ample distance when using electric power but at lower speeds. The city gas mileage is oftentimes higher than highway mileage as well.  

During light acceleration, a full hybrid vehicle uses an electric motor that eases the stress on the gas engine and improves fuel economy. But it switches to using the gas engine during highway driving, which is when it begins consuming fuel even more. 

Consider full hybrid cars if you travel long distances, as they offer better fuel economy. 

  • Plug-In Hybrids 

Plug-in hybrid vehicles are rechargeable through an external power source, unlike the others that charge batteries internally. You can plug in your hybrid car at dedicated gas stations with hybrid car chargers. 

Plus, plug-in hybrids have higher electric-only ranges with a larger battery. They’re the ideal combination of gas-fueled and electric vehicles. You can go miles when using the gas engine, and if you want to save on gas, it can run fully charged on electricity. Plug-in cars are definitely for those who wish to have backup power of each.  

When picking a used hybrid car, take into consideration your driving lifestyle, travel needs, and so on.   

Check The Hybrid’s Current Battery Life 

A hybrid’s battery life can last five to 10 years and take drivers up to 100,000 miles. Yet, if the battery is cared for properly, it can reach up to 200,000 miles. The battery life can be affected by aging materials and discharge frequency, which is influenced by how frequently someone drives their hybrid car.  

A discharge can signify the end of service life, a problem with the electrical system, or a parasitic drain is depleting the power. If drivers often use their hybrid, they must replace the battery in five years. If the battery isn’t used much, it can reach up to 10 years before replacement.  

Before buying, ask if there are warranties on the battery pack from 100,000 and 150,000 miles. And you can check the service records to see if the battery has received proper maintenance. The mileage is a telltale sign of good battery life too. Anywhere from 30,000 to 40,000 miles will give you more battery life.  

Factor In The Cost Of Battery Replacement 

The cost of hybrid car batteries is higher than regular gas-fueled versions, but they’re made to last. You’ll need to factor in the cost of replacement batteries once you’ve already used the one in the secondhand hybrid car. It’ll allow you to budget for one when you need it the most. Some hybrid car brands have batteries costing USD$1,700. 

You can make price comparisons to gain knowledge of which brand can offer you a better deal. More expensive hybrid car brand batteries can reach up to USD$5,000. Yet the price won’t be much of a concern if you do keep the car until the warranty is active.  

Keep In Mind The Maintenance And Repair Costs As Well 

Primarily, you need to be mindful of your hybrid car’s battery and its proper maintenance. Regular upkeep will ensure that your vehicle battery stays in top condition. Schedule regular maintenance checks to give you value for your money.   

Aside from the battery, you must mind the combustion engine and the electric motor too. Maintenance for a regular car and a hybrid is similar, as they have tires, lightbulbs, and brakes too. Aside from these components, your hybrid vehicle will need regular oil changing, tire rotation and replacement, conventional battery replacement, headlight and taillight replacement, and more.  

Shop Around Different Car Dealers That Sell Used Hybrids

Look for reputable car dealers that offer used hybrids by researching online and looking into printed ads. Business websites and advertisements feature the best models in their inventory, and you can read about the brand, model and specifications. You’ll be able to compare pricing and inquire about the packages included with the used hybrid car. In-person test drives may be allowed by different car dealers, too, allowing you to get a closer look at the brand and model you want.    

Look For Financing Options And Other Incentives

Banks, lending institutions, and dealerships offer new and used electric vehicle financing options. For example, a green car loan is a loan product that allows drivers to buy environment-friendly vehicles. Brands and models with good fuel economy may fall under hybrid and electric cars. 

You can apply for online or offline financing, as both have benefits. The application process is streamlined, your personal information is kept secure, and you get flexible options from partner lenders if you go for dealerships. 

Similar to shopping for used hybrids by visiting different dealers, you can shop around for financing to find affordable rates. You can do so offline by visiting various lender offices or researching online. Some lenders have a feature calculator that you can use to filter information based on the following: 

  • New or used;
  • Loan term;
  • Credit score;  
  • Location; and more. 

You’ll get a list of financing offers from different lenders for which you can qualify. It helps you save time and effort by pre-qualification. You can compare rates more efficiently and don’t need to leave home.  

Meanwhile, there are governments that provide certain tax rebates and incentives to would-be hybrid car owners. Go to your local official’s office and inquire about those. 


Used hybrid vehicles need maintenance and proper budgeting to afford a replacement battery. Now, you can start shopping around different car dealers since they have different stocks. One car dealership may not have the one you’re looking for. It gives you the most chance of finding a used hybrid for you. Finally, look for financing options from banks, lenders, or dealerships. You can visit loan offices or search online for financing options without leaving home.   

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