Car Insurance on the Road

Car Insurance on the Road

One evening, you was driving your beloved vehicle heading back to your home after a whole day of working in office. Everyone is heading back, traffics starting to build up. Everywhere is congested, you are struggling to control your vehicle moving and stopping in a very frequent rates. You are exhausted due to your  long working hour and the heavy traffics. You lost your concentration and suddenly you BANG somebody’s car in front you.Your vehicle’s headlamp is broken and the car in front you has damaged rear bumper. The cost of the headlamps and rear bumper can easily cost  a few thousand bucks for the replacement.

Accident In Penang
Accident In Penang

Now who going to pay for the compensation? Of course is your insurance company. That is the reason we are paying the insurance company every year. In Malaysia, it is mandatory to insured your vehicle before you can move on the road. The insurance’s fee based on your vehicle’s value and the driver NCD (no claim discount). The vehicle value is based on the year, mileage and the condition of the vehicle. While NCD (no claim discount) varies according to the countries. The NCD can be accumulated by not claim for a period of time from insurance company. Usually it is calculated based on year. In Malaysia, the maximum NCD of one driver can accumulated is 55% while certain country like UK is up to 70%, based on Aviva Insurance Company‘s review.

Some insurance company provide additional service rather than just the compensation. Example, some insurance companies provide helpline where went your vehicle is not safe to drive, they will provide you the transportation to reach your destination concurrently they will send your damage vehicle to repair at authorized repair centre.  Car insurance company doest not only insured your vehicle during accident, they covered stolen vehicle and natural disasters as well. Do checkout more details from your insurance company on what they covered.

Different car insurance company give you different services and compensation. Customer shall be very concious on what car insurance company is not insured and ensure they fully understand the terms and conditions.

Ensure you done proper research before you choose your car insurance company.

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