How to Remove Water Marks on Auto Glass – Do It Yourself

Remove Water Marks on Auto Glass – Do It Yourself

All vehicles will be contaminated from water marks on glasses eventually either through improper drying methods or due to rain water left over on the auto glass for a period of time. There is no exception to my Toyota Vios glasses too. I’d never remove my Toyota Vios’s water marks on the windscreen and glasses since I bought the car more than 2 years ago. You can see how obvious the water marks on the rear windscreen at below image:

Water Marks On Rear Windscreen
Water Marks On Rear Windscreen on my Vios

It is so irritating to see the watermarks on the glass and it is dangerous to the driver as well because the watermarks prevent the driver from having clear vision through the glass especially when the driver driving in the night time.

Let’s check out how I removed the watermarks on the windscreen and glasses.

I bought a Waxco WaterMarks Removers from 99’s Auto Accessories Shop which cost me only RM15.90.

WAXCO Water Marks Remover
WAXCO WaterMarks Remover

The package came with 2 hand gloves as a protection for the users’ hands because the mixture of the remover is acidic and may burn the users’ hands.

WAXCO Water Marks Remover
WAXCO WaterMarks Remover with  2 Free Gloves

Let’s start the work! Firstly, put on the hand gloves and we are ready to go.

WAXCO Water Marks Remover with clean clove
WAXCO WaterMarks Remover with clean clove

Step by step to remove the watermarks on the car’s glasses:

  1. Clean up the windscreen surface and ensure the surface is dry.
  2. Put the water marks remover on the cloth and scrub the cloth on the affected windscreen. Poor the remover on the cloth if the liquid is not sufficient. The watermarks can be removed easily if you pour more of the WAXCO Watermarks Remover onto the cloth.
  3. Keep on scrubbing the windscreen with the cloth until the watermarks are removed completedly.
  4. Ensure the remover does not get on the body paint or plastic parts as it may etch the outer layer away.
  5. Once completed, rinse the glass and car body with plenty of water to ensure the acid is completely removed from the car, especially the car body.
  6. Proceed the removal process to other glass parts that contaminated with water marks.
  7. Repeat steps 1-5 or each part.
Rear Windscreen Clean from Water Marks
Rear Windscreen Clean from Water Marks

Apply the Rain X coating on the car’s windscreen and glasses to have optimum protection.

Next, we proceed for side mirrors water marks removal:

  1. Clean up the side mirrors surface and ensure the surface is dry.
    Side Mirror with water marks on it
    Side Mirror with water marks on it
  2. Put the water marks remover on the cloth and scrub the cloth on the side mirror. Continue to pour the remover on the cloth if the liquid is not sufficient or has dried out. The watermarks can be removed easily if you pour more content of the WAXCO Watermarks Remover onto the cloth.
    Poor the Waxco water marks removal on the cloth
    Pour the Waxco water marks removal on the cloth
  3. Keep on scrubbing with the cloth on the side mirror until the watermarks are removed.
    Scrub on the side mirror with cloth and some force
    Scrub on the side mirror with cloth and some force
    Scrub on the side mirror with cloth and some force 2
    Scrub on the side mirror with cloth and some force 2
  4. Ensure the remover does not get on the body paint or plastic parts as it may etch the outer layer away.
  5. Once completed, rinse the glass and car body with plenty of water to ensure the acid is completely removed from your car especially the car body.
  6. Repeat steps 1-5 or each part.
Free from water marks side mirror
Free from water marks side mirror

Apply the Rain X coating on the car’s side mirror to have optimum protection on it.

The watermarks are completely removed from my rear windscreen and side mirrors.

If you think my DIY helped you, please give us a ‘Like’ at bottom of the post and share this post to your friends 🙂

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20 thoughts on “How to Remove Water Marks on Auto Glass – Do It Yourself

  1. car revoval melborne says:

    Hi Kelvin,
    This was a great information about the resolving of issue permanently in a car during driving easily by using the service of Victoria car removal in Melbourne with in a short period of time a start your journey safe and fast without any trouble shoot ,If your car is still running before you sell it to the junkyard due to any kind of issue then you must use the service of car removal in Melbourne , you might want to use up the gasoline in the tank before you have it towed away. Depending on the size of the tank in your car or truck, the value of the gasoline in the tank can represent a substantial portion of the total value of the price you’re getting from the junkyard. If your car isn’t running, be careful if you attempt to siphon gasoline from the tank. Use only approved containers to carry the gasoline, and never start a siphon using your mouth. Don’t worry about the value of the gas to the junkyard. They’ll have to drain all the fluids out of your car before recycling or scrapping the parts, and gasoline in the tank is a nuisance for them.
    Thanks .

  2. car tints says:

    It’s really a nice and helpful piece of info. I’m happy that you shared this helpful information with us. I would be very beneficial for me and everyone. Keep posting and keep sharing like this.

  3. Stephanie says:

    Hi Kelvin, I tried using the waxco watermark remover but I accidentally dropped droplets on the windshield and the marks won’t go away even after washing with a lot of water. Please advise on how to remove the marks left behind by the watermark remover please. Also, I feel like my windscreen become more oily? I tried washing with car shampoo to no avail. Please help!

    • Kelvin Ang says:

      Hi Stephanie,
      The Waxco watermark droplet can be removed with Waxco watermarks effectively. Just pour the content on the surface, and scrub hard on it and wash it away with clean.

      The oily on the surface windscreen can be removed with dish detergent. Let me know the result, Step 🙂

  4. kelvin says:

    My car windows previously have rain x applied to them. Can I still use watermark removal of it will cause further damage?

    • Kelvin Ang says:

      Hi Kelvin,
      we got same name 🙂
      No worry, the watermark removal won’t cause any further damage.
      The watermark removal will remove the watermark on the screen together with Rain X coating.
      It is advisable to re-apply again the Rain X after you had removed the watermark.

  5. Kelvin Ang says:

    Hi Alice,
    you can bought the Rain X at most of the auto accessories shop, or you can get it at Mr. DIY, JUSCO hardware department, ACE Stores and some leading petrol stations in Malaysia.

    • Kelvin Ang says:

      Hi Alice,
      you can bought the Rain X at most of the auto accessories shop, or you can get it at Mr. DIY, JUSCO hardware department, ACE Stores and some leading petrol stations in Malaysia.

  6. Ken Chong says:

    I have a problem with my Toyota Vios tail-light and brake-light system.During night driving my left side tail-light goes off when I applied my brake.
    Please advise what is the reason for it.

    Thanks & best regards.


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