Vehicle Wrap or wrap advertising is a method of advertising by covering whole or part of the vehicle by advertisement or livery. The idea is to create a mobile billboard that can travel to different places and attract a large number of consumers. It is a modern and a highly creative way of advertising where we can promote our business in a very cost-effective manner. Many small and bigger companies have started to use this as their advertising tool to attract customers from a local area. This leads to ease in creating awareness about a brand and increases its brand value. Some of the major advantages of having wrap advertising are:

1. Attention Grabbing
While rarely any of us look at billboards or regular newspaper ads, these are a great way to grab the attention of people as it is a new way of advertising having a much better visual appeal to the customers. Therefore, this is growing out to be such an important promotional tool.
2. Cost Effective
Vehicle Wraps are perhaps the most cost-effective tool of advertising your business. Using them is very easy on the budget of a business as it does not cost too high, as in the case of advertising through billboards, newspapers, or television. It involves a limited amount of funds to get the stickers printed and pasted on the vehicles. It will involve a one-time fixed expense on it and then it wouldn’t want any more monthly expenses later on. Thus, they are a highly cost-effective method of advertising your business. The per person cost of advertising also reduces significantly as they are visible to more people at a lower fixed price. This type is great for those businesses who want to attract a large number of local people for the business without spending a major portion of profits in advertising.
3. Adds to the Credibility of the Business
A branded vehicle always increases its credibility in the eyes of potential and existing customers. This is necessary because it gives a professional look which ensures the customers that they are dealing with a trustworthy brand. Creating credibility in the minds of customers is what every business looks to establish, as it is the base for a long running business relationship. Hence, vehicle wraps as advertising also provide this advantage to the business.

4. Non-Aggressive form of Advertising
Unlike other modes of advertising, these are not so aggressive. They do not force the customers to buy the product but creates a long-lasting impression about the brand that simulates the potential and existing buyers to buy it again. Many of us tend to get annoyed at times from aggressive promotional tools, but this tool helps us to remain calm and take a calm decision regarding buying of a product and impacts the consumers in a positive way.
5. Gives a Professional Image
When your vehicle looks professional, your business will look professional too. And a professional business promotion tool will attract a large number of customers for the firm. Such a business will increase its reliability to the potential customers too. It reinforces the company’s brand and its brand value increases immensely. Vehicle wrapping will be a method to ensure the existing customers that they will be dealing with a highly professional firm and it will pitch to the potential customers that the firm is highly trustworthy and renders services to the needs of the customers.
Hence, this method of advertising has various advantages as compared to its disadvantage and should grow in the future due to the above stated reasons.
When you mentioned that using vehicle wraps is an attention-grabbing strategy, I thought that this could be effective for free advertising using my company car. Since I do agree that it’s cost-effective as you said it is a one-time job, I’ll get to advertise my business everywhere I go. I do concur that it’s a non-aggressive form of advertising as you pointed out so I’ll greatly consider the budget then decide if I can get a service to customize the car.
Hey Sariah,
thanks for the comment! Share to us the photos of your customised car after you done! We would love to see it!