Most Common Causes Of Car Accidents

Driving a car comes with great responsibility. While cars provide convenient transportation, they can also be dangerous if not operated carefully. Car accidents claimed 39,508 lives in the United States in 2021. Understanding the common causes of accidents can help drivers stay alert and drive more safely. Here are some of the leading contributors to car crashes.

Flat Tyre Mercedes Side View
Flat Tyre Mercedes Side View

Distracted Driving
Any activity that diverts the driver’s attention away from the road can lead to an accident. According to George Salinas Injury Lawyers, an experienced car accident law firm in San Antonio, TX., the most common distractions include:
Using a cell phone – Texting, talking, or even just checking a notification pulls the driver’s eyes and focus off driving. This delays reaction times and impairs hazard detection, which is why cell phone use is a factor in ⦁ 12% of all car accidents.
⦁ Eating and drinking – Unwrapping food packaging or handling drinks takes hands off the wheel and eyes off the road. It’s best to finish meals before driving or pull over to eat.
⦁ Personal grooming – Applying makeup, shaving, or other hygiene tasks divert attention and put others in danger.
⦁ Loud passengers – Rowdy behavior from kids or adults can be extremely distracting for drivers, affecting concentration.
⦁ Outside distractions – Looking at accidents, billboards, or other sights on the side of the road leads to “rubbernecking” that draws focus away from safe driving. The CDC reports that 3,000 people die each year because of rubbernecking car accidents.

Drowsy Driving
Drowsiness slows reaction times, impairs judgement, and delays hazard detection just as severely as distracted driving. Drowsy driving causes around 328k accidents every year. Common causes include:
Lack of sleep – Drivers who do not get 7-9 hours of sleep are at higher risk for falling asleep at the wheel. Shift workers are especially susceptible.
⦁ Driving long distances without rest – The monotony of extended drives leads to fatigue, especially at night. Frequent rest stops are necessary to stay alert.
⦁ Side effects of medication – Some prescriptions like sedatives have drowsiness as a side effect. Checking labels is important.
⦁ Undiagnosed sleep disorders – Conditions like sleep apnea reduce sleep quality, resulting in daytime drowsiness.

Aggressive Driving
Aggressive behaviors like speeding, frequent lane changes, tailgating, and road rage greatly raise the chances of an accident. Aggressive driving was linked to 106,727 fatal car accidents during a four-year period, and is often caused by:
⦁ Running late – The rush to get to work or appointments leads some drivers to speed and drive recklessly. Proper time management helps prevent this cause.
⦁ Stress, anger, or frustration – Bad moods often translate to aggressive driving habits like honking, tailgating, or cutting others off. Controlling emotions is key.
⦁ “Thrill-seeking” maneuvers – Some drivers swerve unnecessarily or weave through traffic for excitement. These behaviors put everyone at risk.
⦁ Road rage – Hostile exchanges between drivers can cause distractions or provoke dangerous acts. It’s best to avoid conflict and steer clear of angry drivers.

Impaired Driving
Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is extremely dangerous. Even small amounts can slow reaction times and impair motor skills, killing 37 people a day in drunk driving crashes.
Safe driving takes commitment, but it protects everyone sharing the road.

Driving a car comes with great responsibility. While cars provide convenient transportation, they can also be dangerous if not operated carefully. Car accidents claimed 39,508 lives in the United States in 2021. Understanding the common causes of accidents can help drivers stay alert and drive more safely. Here are some of the leading contributors to car crashes.

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