Best Ways to Avoid Being Charged With a DUI

Driving under the influence of alcohol causes many accidents and deaths every year. It is something that law enforcement officers and lawmakers take very seriously. Being charged with a DUI is expensive and time-consuming. You may need to hire an attorney and you may have to go to court.

If you end up getting convicted of a DUI, you could face license suspension, fines, and even jail time. There are several ways you can avoid being charged with a DUI. 

Do Not Drink and Drive

The most obvious thing you can do to avoid drunk driving charges is not to drive after you drink. You can ask a person in your party to be the designated driver. If no one is willing to be the designated driver, you can take an Uber home. If you do drink, you should stop drinking for a couple of hours before driving home. You should also eat something. Food slows down the body’s ability to absorb alcohol.

Focus Completely on Driving

If you have been drinking but you decide you are okay to drive, you should know that even a small amount of alcohol can cloud your judgment. You should not look at your cell phone or take a call. Do not listen to the radio or talk to anyone else in the car. You may be able to handle these distractions under ordinary circumstances, but you are unlikely to be able to do so if you have been drinking.

Always Have Your Paperwork Handy

It is important to keep your license on you and your insurance and registration in your glove compartment. If you have to go digging around in your car when you are asked for your paperwork, it may give the officer reasonable suspicion to give you a field sobriety test. 

Beware of Checkpoints in Your Area 

Every city is going to have its share of DUI checkpoints. Police are required to let the public know where these checkpoints will be. There are websites you can visit to find out where these checkpoints are and how to avoid them. The website will tell you where various kinds of roadblocks are all across the United States.

Make Sure Your Car is Legal to Drive 

Police officers often pull a person over for driving an unsafe car only to find a driver in the car who they suspect of being under the influence. Be sure that your windshield has no cracks. Your tail lights and headlights should be intact as well.

Take the Right Steps When You Are Pulled Over

When a police officer pulls you over, you should put your hands on the steering wheel as they approach your car and give them all of your paperwork when they ask for it. You should be polite, but most lawyers would tell you not to answer any questions without them. 

Proving that an officer did not do their job properly is a common defense tactic against a DUI. A police officer must read you your Miranda Rights if you are arrested. If they do not, the charges can be dropped. A breathalyzer must be calibrated properly. If it is not, it may give you a false reading.

Getting charged with a DUI is scary. If you take a few precautions, you can avoid the situation and get home safely.

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