What Are The Most Common Car Accidents?

Most of us have been in a car accident once in our life, whether we were a passenger in the car or the driver. But, certain types of car accidents are more common than others. Sometimes a car accident can be a minor fender bender, and sometimes they are more extreme. 

We have put together a list of the most common types of car accidents so that way, if they happen to you, you can recognize them and have a better understanding of what you should do in these types of crashes. The Eslinger Law Firm recommends whether you are in a minor accident or a more severe accident to call the police and seek medical attention. Suppose you have to open a personal injury case, then doing these two things can help prove your injuries and who was at fault for the accident to help you receive compensation. 

Rear-End Car Accidents

A rear-end car accident happens when a driver’s front bumper hits another driver’s back bumper. This type of car accident is common and is usually caused by someone speeding, following too closely, not braking in time, or not paying attention while on the road. For example, someone can be texting while driving, and not brake in time which results in hitting the back bumper of the other driver’s car. Depending on how fast the other person was going will result in the vehicle getting extremely damaged or suffering only a few scratches. In most states (including Kansas City), when someone rear-ends you, they are at fault because they are supposed to have control over their vehicle at all times. So, if this happens to you, whether the damages are minor or more significant, be sure to call the police so they can give you a police report for when you talk to the other driver’s insurance company. A police report helps to establish who was at fault for the accident by a law professional. 

“T- Bone” Car Accidents

A T-bone car accident usually occurs when someone runs a red light, stop sign, or makes a left turn at a busy intersection. Essentially, the car hits your car on the passenger or driver’s side, resulting in both cars looking like a “T” shape. This type of accident can cause significant damage to both cars and can cause severe injuries to the person who was hit. If you experience this type of accident, you must call the police and seek medical attention as soon as possible. And any passengers in the car will need to seek medical attention too. 

Sideswipe Car Accidents

These types of accidents happen when the side of your car gets swiped against another vehicle causing damage to the vehicle. This type of accident can occur if another driver merges into your lane and is too close to the side of your car or if a driver is distracted and weaves out of their lane, causing them to swipe the side of your vehicle. Depending on the speed of the other driver and which side of your car they swiped, it can cause major or minor injuries to you and most likely will cause significant damage to your vehicle. Be sure to contact the police for a full report and seek medical attention if you feel hurt. 

Car accidents happen often, so it is essential to be prepared if one of these accidents happens to you. 

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