What should a person do at the scene of the car wreck?


If you’ve been involved in a car accident, things are going to develop quickly. If you’ve been injured, these events may seem overwhelming. The following information was provided by car accident attorney Goldstein & Goldstein. It should not be considered legal advice. For legal advice about your car accident, contact a personal injury lawyer in your area who handles car accident claims. 

Five Things You Should Do After a Car Accident

1. Get to a safe place

Just because you’ve been in an accident doesn’t mean that you can’t get in another one. If you are in traffic, you may need to move your car to a position of safety before you exit your vehicle. 

2. Call 911

Don’t assume that others are calling 911. Instead, either instruct someone to call 911 or make certain you do it yourself. The dispatcher will want to know your exact location, a description of the vehicles, any injuries that you’re aware of, and other information that’s pertinent to the accident. Don’t hang up until the dispatcher advises you that you can or until police or fire rescue have arrived on the scene. 

3. Take Pictures or Videos

You can use your cellphone to take images or videos of the accident scene. Make sure you do this from a safe vantage point. You should try to capture damage to the vehicles, the position of the vehicles, any visible injuries, witnesses, traffic signs, and anything else that you think can be of use. 

4. Talk to Witnesses

Ask bystanders if they saw what happened. If they did, ask them to remain on the scene until the police arrive. If they’re unable to remain, ask for their contact information. If you notice a witness leaving before you get a chance to talk to them, copy their license plate number. They can be tracked down by an attorney later. 

5. Seek Medical Attention 

Even if you feel fine after the accident, allow the paramedics to examine you. If they believe you should go to the hospital, allow them to transport you or go there on your own. You should follow up with your doctor and document any pain or discomfort you’re experiencing. 

When You Should Contact a Car Accident Lawyer 

Most car accident lawyers would recommend that you involve them in your case at your earliest possible convenience. However, if you have a minor fender bender and you don’t believe that you’re injured, you can probably forgo speaking to a lawyer and make a claim directly with the insurance company. On the other hand, if you are experiencing signs of injury, you should speak to a lawyer at your earliest convenience.

Most attorneys who handle car accident claims work on a contingency basis. That means that they only receive payment once you’ve collected a settlement or court award. There are no out-of-pocket charges for the advice that they provide. 

Why You Shouldn’t Accept a Fast Settlement

You should not accept a settlement without first conferring with a car accident lawyer. Most insurance settlement offers require you to sign a waiver of liability, which prevents you from seeking further damages. If your money runs out, you can’t go back and ask for more. Contact a lawyer in your area to discuss your car accident claim. 

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