How to Prevent Catalytic Converter Theft

Many motorists worry about car theft, which can certainly be a major concern, but motorists also need to be aware of catalytic converter theft as this is sharp on the rise and can be relatively easy for criminals if care is not taken. So, what is a catalytic converter and why is it desirable for thieves? 

Catalytic Converters

A catalytic converter turns toxic gases and pollutants in exhaust gas into less-toxic pollutants. They are appealing to criminals because they contain a number of precious metals, including platinum, palladium and rhodium, all of which have seen a sharp price increase in recent years. The other reason that catalytic converter theft is on the rise is that it can take just minutes and be relatively easy with the right tools.

Protecting Your Converter

Motorists need to be aware of this rising crime and also know the best ways that they can protect their vehicle. Fortunately, there are a number of effective ways to protect your car and catalytic converter, which should stop criminals and help to provide peace of mind. 


The best way to protect your car is to park intelligently. Ideally, this will be in a locked garage or somewhere private, but obviously, this is not possible for everyone so a well-populated and lit area can also be smart. It is also smart to try and park so that the exhaust is close to a wall, fence or anything else that could make it hard for someone to reach this area of the car.

Car Security 

Car security is another area that is worth paying attention to. You should look at a range of used cars online with security features that can prevent theft with the use of an alarm and tilt sensor that will activate if a thief tries to jack the vehicle up (this is essential in order to steal the converter).

Other Options

In addition to the above, there are also other ways that can protect the converter. If it is bolted on, you can ask your garage to weld the bolts to make it more secure or have a cage clamp installed to lock around the converter. If you park your car on a driveway, you can install a driveway alarm and sensor to notify you when someone enters your driveway (a handy feature to have regardless). 

Every motorist needs to be aware of the rise in catalytic converter theft as it is becoming a big problem in the UK as it can be quick and easy for criminals. The good news is that there are steps that you can take to protect your car and converter with the information in this post offering a few solutions that should help to provide peace of mind.

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