10 Tips To Avoid a Car Accident

It only takes a split second for things to go wrong on the road. No one plans to be in a car accident, however, your actions while driving can lead to devastating loss of life or serious injuries. Defensive driving and smart decisions can make all the difference and keep you and others safe on the road. Here are ten tips to help you avoid a car accident.  

  1. Don’t Drive Drunk 

Driving under the influence of alcohol is one of the major causes of motor accidents. If you are intoxicated, don’t drive. It’s just that simple. Drinking alcohol does not only affect your thinking and your ability to respond to risky situations. Alcohol clouds your judgment and reduces your reaction time. You may think you are alert enough to drive, but it is not worth the risk. 

Always let someone else who hasn’t been drinking alcohol drive. If you are alone, taking a cab or calling someone for a ride are the best options.  

If you are involved in an accident as a result of the actions of an intoxicated driver, you should contact a lawyer. Be sure to talk to an attorney who specializes in car accidents to find out more about your rights and responsibilities.

  1. Adjust Your Driving to the Weather Conditions

When driving in harsh weather conditions, you have to be extra careful. It’s also best to avoid driving during thunderstorms or heavy rains. If you have to drive, do not drive through flooded roadways or deep pools under bridges. Driving might be difficult or even impossible, depending on the depth of the water. Apart from that, if water gets into your air intake and your engine, your car might shut down. 

If you are driving on snowy or icy roads, slow down and increase your awareness of the drivers around you. Try to drive carefully and relax. If you panic, it might affect your concentration and cause a drastic reaction.

  1. Always Keep a Hand on the Wheel

When driving, it is important to always keep at least one hand on the driving wheel. If you have to do something such as tune the radio or eat a snack, do it quickly and keep the other hand firmly in place.  

If you have to use both hands for some reason, pull over. Surprises can happen on the road. In case of an emergency, it might be too late to maneuver your car if neither of your hands are on the wheel, even for just a moment.

  1. Watch Out For Kids and Animals 

As much as kids should not cross roads on their own, sometimes they do. Kids can be careless when crossing, and may not be watching for oncoming traffic. If you are driving near a park or areas where kids are usually present, you should slow down and watch for children chasing stray balls or toys.  

The same can be said for animals. An unleashed dog can jump into the road with no notice, so be aware when passing parks or off-leash areas. You have no control over how animals or kids cross roads. However, you have control over how you drive.

  1. Perform Regular Maintenance 

Always make sure that your car is in tip-top shape to be driven, especially before you head out on a lengthy road trip. Nobody wants to sit in a car on the side of the highway halfway into the family vacation. 

Regular maintenance can reduce the probability of your car breaking down. Your tires should be properly inflated and the oil in the engine should be changed regularly.

  1. Slowly Ease Into Traffic

Vehicles can appear unexpectedly, especially when merging onto roadways. Assessing the road before pulling into a busy road can save your life. It’s advisable to look both ways at least twice before making a right-hand turn when you are at an intersection.

Even when you are in a hurry, you should be careful. Pay close attention to blind spots and highway road signs. Keep your eyes open. All it takes is a second for an accident to happen.

  1. Watch Out for Careless Drivers

Defensive driving is the best way to prevent dangerous accidents from happening. Remember, not every driver will be driving carefully like you are. Some may not be as cautious, or could be in a hurry. This can endanger the lives of everyone on the road, including your own. Watch out for such drivers and steer clear when you see someone driving erratically. If you notice any suspicious or intoxicated drivers on the road, you should report it to the authorities. 

  1. Avoid Driving When Tired or Sleepy

If you feel too tired to drive, you probably shouldn’t. Convincing yourself that you can drive when you are sleepy or tired can be just as dangerous as driving under the influence. 

Driving requires a high level of alertness. If possible, have another driver on standby in the car, and take advantage of rest stops on longer road trips.  

  1. Only Use Cell Phones for Emergencies

Let’s face it. Most often, the calls you pick up when you are driving are not that urgent. If you have to use your cell phone, pull over and only answer the call when it is safe to do so. 

Another equally dangerous habit is texting while driving. When driving, you should focus on the road. Using your phone means your attention is divided  – your hands are not on the steering wheel, and your eyes are not on the road. This is a recipe for disaster. 

If you value your life and your vehicle, you will avoid using your phone while driving. If you know you can’t stay away from your cell phone, put it away where you can’t reach it.

  1. Stay Alert When Driving at Night

Driving at night has its own safety hazards and dangers. Driving in low-light conditions increases your chances of being involved in an accident, so it’s even more important to practice safe driving and stay alert. 

Be sure your windshield is clean – inside and out – to prevent glares on the pane and halos from the streetlights. This will improve visibility. You should also look away from oncoming lights to help reduce complications on the road at night.

Many lives could be saved if people paid closer attention to how they drive. With these tips, you will not only be protecting yourself, but others as well.

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