Road Trip Tips in the Age of COVID-19

Have you been itching to go out traveling? With travel restrictions and lockdowns being lifted or relaxed in and around Dubai, you can now go on that long-awaited road trip. However, it pays to still be careful when traveling. That’s why we’ve put together some valuable tips that can help you and your car companions stay safe and healthy on your next road trip.

From using contactless petrol delivery in Dubai to rent at car at and staying at hotels, there’s a way for you to avoid contracting and spreading COVID-19 in typical travel situations.

How to stay safe in car during coronavirus pandemic?

Simple and Smart Ways to Travel

Dubai is now open for tourists and locals who want to venture out of their homes after months of being cooped up inside their homes. Some people may have gone out for errands like buying essential goods, but others have stayed home for the greater part of the quarantine period and opted for delivery services.

But now that quarantines and stay-at-home orders have been lifted, you would most probably want to go on vacation. A road trip would be one of the most likely choices, since it may be more affordable than air travel. 

If you’re still iffy about sharing public transportation, a road trip using your vehicle would also pose a lower risk of being exposed to the virus. But before you go on a road trip, here are some trip tips to help you stay safe and healthy while on the road:

1. Consider health precautions 

If you must travel, make sure that you consider and go through all necessary precautions. 

If you feel sick, it is best not to push through with the trip. When you have access to COVID-19 vaccines, then it is best to get a shot. You can also get a flu shot, but make sure that your shots are administered at least fourteen days apart. 

Ensure that you also bring a travel kit that includes prescription allergy medication, emergency contact numbers, first aid kit, and other travel essentials.

2. Check COVID guidelines with your accommodation providers ahead of time

If you’re staying at a hotel, call them ahead of time and ask what their COVID-19 prevention practices are. Ask about their policies on items such as cleaning and disinfecting rooms and frequently touched surfaces. Opt for safer options when booking or checking in, such as getting a mobile room key or making contactless payments.

If you plan to stay with family or friends, wear masks when spending time in shared spaces. When dining together, people from different households should remain at least six feet apart from each other. 

When spending time indoors, avoid singing or shouting, and open windows to allow air to circulate. It is best to spend time outdoors or in wide, open spaces where you can avoid having close contact with others.

3. Install a fuel delivery app

By installing a fuel delivery app, you won’t have to worry about stopping by fuel stations as contactless fuel delivery will also help reduce the risk of contracting infectious diseases. With a fuel delivery app, you can get fuel delivered to you wherever you are on the road, at whatever time. It’s a smart and straightforward solution that can go a long way when you’re on a road trip.

Have your vehicle refueled at least the night before your trip. A reputable petrol delivery app in Dubai also offers battery jump start or replacement service and engine oil change. They also conduct a complimentary 10-point vehicle service check along with the oil change, which is critical, especially since you’ll be spending hours on the road.

4. Be a responsible driver 

Before driving off, make sure that everyone is buckled up. Observe traffic rules and speed limits to avoid accidents. Ensure that you have a car care kit if you run into any road emergencies like having a flat tire. 

Have emergency contact numbers for car concerns, such as your preferred towing service or auto repair shop. Always opt for contactless transactions when you need to avail yourself of any of these services.

Being careful when driving reduces your risk of getting involved in accidents. This also means a lesser chance of being brought to hospitals where you may be exposed to COVID-19.

5. Practice COVID-19 prevention etiquette 

You may need to stop for breaks while on the road. Wear a mask over your nose and mouth when going out in public places. Avoid crowds as much as you can. Practice physical distancing and stay at least six feet away from other people who are not traveling with you.

Make sure to wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds after using the bathroom or coming out from a public place such as convenience stores, pharmacies, or specialty shops. You can also use a hand sanitizer with at least 60 percent alcohol if soap and water are not available.

6. Bring your own food

It would be best to bring your food so you won’t need to take food stops. You can prepare ready-to-eat food before you leave or buy nutritious snacks that you can eat in the car.

If you must stop for food, safer alternatives would be to use curbside pickup, delivery, drive-through, or takeout options.

7. Get tested after your trip 

You may feel well and not show any symptoms, but you won’t know for sure if you or your travel companions have been exposed to the virus. It is still best to get tested for COVID-19 after your trip, so you won’t risk infecting others, especially those at increased risk for severe illness.

Stay home and self-quarantine for a full seven days when you have undergone a viral test and for ten days if you haven’t. Avoid being around other people and practice respiratory etiquette. Follow all local requirements or health and safety recommendations to avoid inadvertently spreading the virus.

Safe Travels 

Observing the tips mentioned above will contribute to a safe and enjoyable trip. 

Plan ahead by checking on accommodations, installing a fuel delivery app, making healthy ready-to-eat snacks, and taking other precautions to avoid road inconveniences, and most importantly, to prevent yourself from getting sick.


Antonio Al Asmar is the General Manager at CAFU, the UAE’s first fuel delivery application, bringing value to cities and communities by making refueling cars more accessible. CAFU is an “on-demand” contactless fuel delivery service that will fill up your vehicle with petrol or diesel while you’re at home, work, or play for the same price as the petrol station, with no additional delivery fees.

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