The Car Repairs That Aren’t Worth Fixing

While no two car repairs were created equal, some of the most expensive ones may have you wondering if it’s better to just buy a new vehicle.

The average yearly maintenance cost of owning a car is about $514. This accounts for routine maintenance, such as replacing tires or changing the oil or a belt. 

If your car repairs are something more involved, then you can expect to pay more. But some repairs simply aren’t worth the expense. If your car has one of these problems, then consider skipping the repair and selling the car instead. 

Dented Frame

A bent frame is not only unsightly but also dangerous. Fixing it will cost thousands of dollars and may never be as good as new. Once a frame is bent, the damage is done. 

Even after the frame is fixed, the frame now has a structural weak point. This can lead to more costly repairs further down the road. 

Bad Transmission 

The transmission is the part of the car that’s connected to the engine. For most people, they don’t know there’s a problem until they’re stuck on the side of the road. This is where the expenses start. 

You’ll need to pay for a tow truck to get your car to a shop or Jeep dealership. It’s then going to take several man-hours to complete the repair. You’ll also want to pay for a high-quality mechanic to avoid more problems later. 

Power Control Module Failure 

This is one of the most expensive repairs you can face with your vehicle. It’s the brain of your car and controls everything. When it fails, it can cause problems throughout the rest of the components. 

One of the main functions of the PCM is to control the functioning of the engine and transmission. This means that when the PCM fails, you’ll likely face repairs to the engine and transmission too. The total of all these repairs can easily reach several thousand dollars. 

Wiring Issues 

Electrical issues in vehicles have a way of playing a frustrating game of hide and seek. One faulty wire can easily hide and require several hours of trial and error diagnostics. You could spend hundreds or even thousands, and never solve the problem. 

Consider the Cost 

So far, we’ve discussed specific repairs that aren’t worth fixing. But this list isn’t exhaustive. Any needed repair can become not worth it. To determine if you should spend time and money fixing your car, compare the repair cost to the value of the vehicle. 

If the repair is going to cost you thousands of dollars, then it’s probably best to skip the repair and sell the car as-is. If the repair costs more than the value of the vehicle, then it’s time to dump the car. 

Skip These Car Repairs

If you find yourself facing one or more of these needed car repairs, then it may be best to dump the car and get a new one. Each of these repairs requires expensive parts and several hours’ worth of work by a mechanic. They can also signal the need for future maintenance. 

Check out our top car care tips for the best way to care for your car. 

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