Best Used Motorcycles for Senior Citizens

Gone are the days of senior citizens sitting on the couch, waiting for grandchildren to visit. Social Security, as a socialistic system, is slowly failing because the prescription medications that have been flooding the markets in the United States are working very, very well. No one foresaw these pills working quite so well and that is exactly the reason why our seniors are so much more active than they ever were. It is completely commonplace to see seniors riding motorcycles all over the country. Deciding to buy a motorcycle is a big decision that requires some research and searching for reviews. One major consideration is what kind of motorcycle does that person want, or if they have never had a motorcycle, then there are many nuanced decisions to make about what type of motorcycle to buy.

If seniors are new to riding, they might want to narrow down a list of motorcycles they might like, and then look into buying a used model. The benefits of buying used are the very obvious cost-savings, but there are several other benefits, like finding out if you want a 2 or 3 wheeler, what height motorcycle you like, how comfortable do you want your seat, what extras are you looking for and even what brand. There are literally a plethora of considerations and without actually having an experience on a motorcycle, arriving at a decision about what you like might is nearly impossible. Developing a point-of-reference by having an experience with a motorcycle is about the only way to narrow down what features you do and do not like.

Sourcing out good used motorcycles is the best first step to enjoying this venerated form of travel and getting used to riding all at the same time. has a huge collection of motorcycles from which to choose and there are so many models, doing research will be easy. Baby boomers never really had the time to explore a lot of their possible interests, so the senior market is becoming one of the fastest growing areas for new motorcycle purchases. They now have money and time and are looking to have some fun! That said, there are a number of concerns in this group as well, and although the traditional two-wheeled models are very popular, three-wheelers are fast becoming models of choice in this age group where balance can be an issue.

Three-wheelers are the bike of choice among those that are quite concerned about tipping over. In addition, a lot of new riders of this model of bike like the fact that it sort of hugs the road, adding an added layer of comfort. There is additional on-board storage with these motorcycles making longer trips possible. There is also some insurance savings on these models. There are variations of three-wheelers where two wheels are in the front and one in the back. These models usually have a very sophisticated suspension system. That said, all models in the three-wheel space continue to be redesigned and there are also surprising new designs arriving in showrooms, so it is a growing part of this industry.

Brand can also be of interest to those getting on in years, not to mention buying something that is American-made is on the minds of at least some of this demographic. There are some that are a very popular manufacturer of motorcycles for senior citizens. They grew up with certain models and when they were coming off the highway from a long day at work and pulled up next to a motorcycle at a traffic light, they likely stared longingly at the life they felt they were missing out on. Their motorcycles represent a life they always wanted and lucky for these buyers, some brands and models have persisted over time. This demographic like classic bikes with modern features and there are some long-term manufacturers that have models that appeal to this growing group of bike buyers.

When it comes to style of a motorcycle, a two-wheeled bike that has a lower, wider seat and one that has well-placed, adequate lighting for safety are a few features that these buyers look for. Models that come in many colors and has just a twinge of a retro-style make purchasing a motorcycle as enjoyable as buying a car. In addition, it is a solid-style, low-body model with storage compartments on both sides of the rear part of the bike. This makes it possible to both travel with items if taking a trip, or a place to store groceries from shopping. The lower, wider-body models make a lot of riders feel like they can handle that style motorcycle in all conditions without having to be concerned about tipping over and Next Ride can help find just the right model for all buyers.

Anachronistically, one bike that is surprisingly popular, and nearly-“untippable,” is the sidecar! There are some things about the sidecar model that are overlooked. If you go grocery shopping, groceries can be put in the empty sidecar. In addition, tipping over is nearly impossible, which is a safety concern for a lot of buyers. If traveling, you can put your luggage in the sidecar and leave your sidecar in long-term parking at the airport. Sidecars are great for couples that want to ride together, but one of them does not want their own motorcycle. It literally warms the hearts of those that see an elderly couple tooling around on this model of motorcycle! Some simple research online will uncover a number of sidecar motorcycle manufacturers making models that run the gamut on both features and performance.

Not exactly a motorcycle, but scooters are somewhat popular among this group. Many of them use scooters to get ready for an actual motorcycle. They use them to gain comfort riding around town, running errands, light grocery shopping and otherwise just tooling about, having fun on two wheels! Scooters help with balance, maneuvering and timing rides relative to unfolding weather. Traveling locally help them to get a feel for this mode-of-transportation and help them decide about getting a larger model and taking longer trips. For just that reason, the used scooter market sees a lot of action because as soon as they are ready to graduate from their scooter and get a motorcycle, many of them part ways with their scooters, selling them to make space in the garage for their new motorcycle.

Comfort, safety, security and the ability to carry some groceries, or items for taking a longer trip, is likely what most people in this age range are looking for. They want to feel that freedom of being on a motorcycle while effectively combining that interest with the pragmatists they have grow into over the years. Having a representation of what they longed for as younger people. In addition, they will need all the bells-and-whistles when it comes to features, not to mention the best in riding gear, like helmets and gloves for example. This market is only going to grow as people retire and find little interest in hanging around the house or traveling the world. Anything can get boring, so adventure is the new spice of life for millions of retirees. Training classes on how to ride motorcycles both safely and securely are likely going to be on the minds of these buyers. An entire cottage industry surrounding this new and growing interest in motorcycles is likely going to come to pass. They have the funds to enjoy this new pastime and they want to do it correctly. Motorcycles are fast becoming a beacon of hope for many retirees who want to enjoy life, do something they always wanted to while having enthralling new experiences doing it, which might be the new definition of retirement!

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