All you need to know about Bluetooth Communicators

Whatever form of motorcycling you enjoy, you will no doubt have seen Bluetooth functionality appearing on various devices. There has been rapid development in the functionality of rider to pillion, and rider to rider communication equipment as a result. With technological advancement happening so fast, it can be difficult to keep up. This article aims to give you a quick insight into the various options available to the modern motorcycle rider. 

Scene of motorbike with sunset
Scene of motorbike with sunset

What is Bluetooth?

Bluetooth is a communication language, or protocol, designed to connect devices wirelessly. Anyone who has used an old school rider/pillion wired system will appreciate the advantages of a wireless system. Of course Bluetooth has now made rider to rider communication possible. 

How does it work?

Bluetooth uses radio frequencies to send the data. It is very similar to wireless broadband, but operates in a different frequency range. Bluetooth can talk to multiple devices at the same time, and does not require an exact line of sight. This has allowed some manufacturers to deliver a product that can work over distances of 1KM. 

Is Bluetooth Safe?

Bluetooth is no more dangerous or harmful than any other radio frequency device. One of the biggest issues for motorcyclist is in fact, distraction. You should always use any communication device with care, at an appropriate volume, and never at a time when high levels of concentration is required.

What are the main benefits and features of a Bluetooth Communication device? 

Aside from the obvious benefits of being wireless, a Bluetooth communication device can add plenty of benefits to your riding experience. If you tour, long days in the saddle can be enhanced by having your favourite albums on hand. 

If you ride with a pillion, then the age old problem of having to open visors and shout to each other, bumping heads in the process, will become a thing of the past. Having contact with mates whilst riding is also a plus. Some systems will allow group chat through a manufacturer specific channel/frequency. The latest versions of these communicators will connect up to 16 riders in a “mesh”. This network of riders acts as a signal boosting pod, linking communication over distances of up to 4KM. Even if some riders opt to take a different route, communication can be maintained. From a safety perspective, there are even manufacturers who have built in crash detection which can alert the emergency services and a chosen contact to your whereabouts. 

Of course, if it all gets too much, you can simply switch it off and ride in peace.      

For a motorcyclist, you will be looking for the following functionality when considering Motorcycle Bluetooth Communicators;

Rider to Pillion Communication. (Standard feature)

Rider to Rider Communication. (Standard feature)

Rider to Group Communication.(Optional Feature ranging from 4 rider+)  

FM Radio. (Standard feature)  

Multiple Source functionality. (Optional Feature with Bluetooth – This can vary greatly and if listening to music whilst talking, or having GPS fed, whilst listening to music is important to you, research carefully).

Voice Command. (Optional, and varied in degrees of function) 

Noise Reduction. (Optional) 

With technology and hardware developing at an incredible rate, we will no doubt see a big uptake in Bluetooth products for the motorcyclist over the next few years. If you are keen to find out more, you can read a more in depth article on Best Bluetooth Communicators 2019, with some comparisons on the models currently available.

Smart helmets are already starting to make an appearance. These are helmets with built in Bluetooth technology, including communicators and cameras.  

Whatever your opinion on these devices, they are here to stay. It is likely that you will have friends using them even if you have yet to make that step yourself. There are bound to be situations where the features are able to add to your riding experience. Link to the articles quoted to find out more, be safe and have fun!

About Martin Varrand

Martin Varrand is the founder and author of the leading Motocross blog He has been riding motocross since 4 years old and has been around dirt bikes ever since. Today he is focussed on spreading the experience and advice he has been collecting all these years.

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