Why Having Dashcams In Your Car Has Several Benefits

Why Having Dashcams In Your Car Has Several Benefits

If you are a road user then you will have definitely heard a lot about dashcams over the last couple of years. These are devices that work by using a g-sensor to activate recording should you find yourself involved in an accident on the roads. 

Over the last couple of years, dashcam technology has improved massively and there are now some very advanced models available on the market. If you are considering getting on but you are still on the fence, then you might be interested to learn about the benefits that dashcams have to offer. Please read on below to find out more. 

Protect yourself from Insurance Fraud

Alarmingly, cases of insurance fraud on the roads are as high in numbers as they have ever been. Crooks will stage accidents so that they can claim on insurance policies to get a pay out, usually by claiming compensation for made up injuries. Not only is this conning people out of money, but it also puts other road users in danger. 

The good thing about have a dashcam installed in your car is that you will be able to prove exactly what has happened so that the fraudsters are unable to claim their money and you can prove that you were not at fault for the incident that occurred. 

Prove that you were not responsible for an Accident

Accidents on the roads are very common and unfortunately they happen every single day all over the country. When you are involved in an accident, you will have to claim on insurance to pay for damages. However, you are only going to be able to claim on the other person’s insurance policy if you were not responsible for the accident. 

This sounds simple enough, but it is really about proving it and that can be very difficult to do if there were no witnesses to the accident. By having a dashcam installed you can save yourself huge amounts of stress by proving that the other driver was responsible from your video evidence. 

Record Dangerous Drivers

Most drivers on the roads are safe and responsible. However, there are also plenty who are either driving illegally or driving dangerously. The police do everything in their power to crack down on these types of drivers, but unless they are caught then there is very little they can do. 

The great thing about having a dashcam installed is that you will be able to capture video evidence of any driver who is driving dangerously or who you suspect may be driving illegally. You can then take your video evidence to your local police station and hand it over so that the driver can be reprimanded, thus keeping you and other road users safe. 

Protect your Parked Car

If you don’t have a driveway or a garage at your home then it is unlikely that you will have any other option than to park on the road in front of your home. The trouble with this is that you are far more likely to have your car damaged or broken into overnight. By having a dashcam in your car you will be able to capture evidence of anyone hitting your car whilst it is parked overnight as well as catch any thieves who try to break into it. 

As you can see, there are plenty of benefits that come with having a dashcam installed and there are some fantastic models available right now at some very affordable prices so there is no better time to buy one than right now. 

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