Repercussions of Getting in A Car Accident

Chances are, at some point in your life, you will be involved in a car accident. While not a happy thought, it’s not surprising either. After all, there are upwards of 160,000 auto accidents occurring across Canada alone each year. 

Whether you are at fault, another vehicle was at fault, or you are involved as a passenger, there are a number of repercussions of getting in a car accident that can have damaging and lasting impacts on an individual.

It’s more Than Just the Initial Impact!!!

When you think of being in a car accident, or you have just been in an accident, your first thought is, probably, of the potential injuries or, god forbid, fatalities. Then you might think have having to have your car towed, or of whichever meeting, event, or appointment you may be late for as a result. 

You think of the immediate impacts or inconveniences. 

The day the accident happens is a whirlwind of a mess, that’s true – but in reality a car accident can stay with you for much longer than just that day, and in more ways than one.   

Financial Repercussions

After a car accident you may run into a number of different financial bumps.

Of course, there will be the cost of the repairs that your car may need or, in the worst-case scenario, the cost of replacing the vehicle all together, if your insurance company deems it a write-off.

Which brings us to the second financial repercussion: your insurance premiums will more than likely increase. Whether or not they do, and by how much, will vary depending on the situation, your driving history, and even your province and insurance provider. 

The last financial hit you will take is that an accident, no matter how much or how little damaged is caused, is that the value of your vehicle may go down. Of course, this is only something that will really affect you if you eventually try to sell or trade in the vehicle.

Physical Repercussions

More concerning than the financial impacts a car accident can have is the physical impact. 

If you are lucky, you will walk away unharmed. 

On the other end of the spectrum, while lucky to be alive, you may have incurred some serious injuries. Injuries can be slow to heal, require therapy or rehabilitation to recover from, and even leave permanent issues and scars.  Even what seem like minor injuries can have these lasting impacts, unfortunately. 

Emotional Repercussions

What many people don’t anticipate in the wake of being involved in an automobile is the emotional impact it can have on them.

After an accident, you will more than likely go through a cycle of intense, but very different emotions. 

At first you may feel shock, denial, or even disbelief of the situation. This can quickly transform into feelings of anger, whether with yourself, the other driver, or even the situation. Often, these feelings of anger turn into guilt, or shame. 

The number one emotion that may become present after such an experience, however, is anxiety /stress. 

It’s important for you to know that this whirlwind of emotions is normal, and that there is always someone there for you to talk to, if you need. 

Driving Is No Joke…

While many people don’t treat it as such, driving is a huge responsibility. Any time you are behind the wheel you are responsible for the safety of yourself, the others in the car, and everyone else on the road. 

As you can see that safety encompasses more than just what is possible in that moment, but also factors that can affect individuals for years to come.

Don’t take that responsibility lightly. Drive safe – every time.

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