6 Tips to Keep Your Volkswagen Running Like New

Everyone knows someone with an older car that just seems to run on nothing year after year. But is it the brand of car? Or is it just luck?

Although the make of the car does have a lot to do with it (VWs can run almost indefinitely), the answer is simple: if you want your car to live a long life, you have to make some effort to maintain it. 

That’s why we’ve compiled this list of six tips to keep your Volkswagen running like new. 

Volkswagen Golf GTi

1. Find an Honest Mechanic

Find an auto repair shop with a team of mechanics who are familiar with VWs, can source genuine parts, and have the equipment to perform electrical diagnostics. Before deciding on a mechanic, check the auto repair shop’s reviews on Google, ask other VW owners for recommendations, and make sure the staff is certified.

Rivercity Motors‘ VW & Audi Service in Edmonton VW comes highly recommended – they specialize in VWs and can source original parts from the manufacturer as well as quality aftermarket spares. 

2. Dont Gun the Accelerator

Forget about being a race car driver on city streets and highways – not only does accelerating quickly put you at risk of having an accident, but it’s also very hard on your engine

Accelerating slowly is much gentler on your car. If you want your VW to have a long life, stop gunning the engine. 

This also applies to when you start your car in the morning. Don’t immediately begin to rev up the engine – giving the oil a few seconds to warm up will keep everything running more smoothly, especially in cold weather.  

3. Change the Oil and Other Fluids Regularly

Neglecting to change your oil is guaranteed to result in disaster – you could end up blowing your engine, which is extremely costly to replace.

Read your VW owner’s manual and take note of how often you should be changing your oil according to the manufacturer’s instructions – it’s usually recommended between 1000 to 3000 miles.

The other fluids in your VW also need to be checked periodically to ensure that they are at the right levels – especially when the season changes.

4. Pay Attention to the Engine

Whenever you notice that something sounds, smells, or looks “off” in your engine, get it checked by a professional right away. 

Loud ticking sounds, screeching when you start, and other strange noises may be caused by serious problems that will just get worse if you ignore them.

This may seem obvious, but if you ever see the “check engine” indicator light up, get the engine checked. If you have it checked out and the warning light is still coming on, get the sensor fixed. The engine is the heart of your VW, so you need to take care of it.

5. Dont Store Heavy Objects

Unless you are driving a truck, there is no need to store large, heavy objects in your car. Any unnecessary excess weight can wear out your tires and put extra strain on your VW. 

Don’t worry about transporting heavy objects for short periods of time, but consider getting a more appropriate storage space if you are using your car as storage.

6. Get Periodic Tune-Ups 

Consult your owner’s manual to find out how often your VW needs a full tune-up. While many modern cars don’t need to be tuned up as regularly as older vehicles, you should still take your VW to a professional periodically to make sure everything is in tip-top condition at all times.

The Bottom Line

While VW cars are known to last for a long time, regular maintenance combined with the tips above will extend the lifespan of your car and help maintain its value. 

Remember, when in doubt, consult a professional.

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