4WD Accessories That Every Driver Needs

Driving off-road is one of the pleasures that the great Australian outdoors offers, and with the long, hot summers we enjoy, there’s little to beat planning an off-raid trip into the outback in your 4WD truck. If you are like most truck owners, there’s always an accessory or add-on that you’re looking to buy, and with that in mind, here are five 4WD accessories that every owner should have.

  • Bullbars – These offer your truck great protection and they come in a range of attractive designs, for both the front and back of the vehicle. Essential when off-road as you never know what you will come across, and make sure you purchase a set that is compatible for your make and model of truck.
  • Roof Racks – You can significantly increase your carrying power with a customised roof rack, which will prove invaluable when you are off on a camping trip. You can get adjustable roof racks, with sliding bars that can be fixed into position, depending on the load, and these are made from powder coated aluminium, which means they never rust. Check out the great deals at Coastals 4WD Accessories, where you can find top-notch truck accessories at affordable prices.
  • LED Spotlights – You definitely need as much illumination as possible when out in the wilderness, and LED spotlights come in many different styles and can be fixed to roll bars or other parts of the chassis. Spots that can be turned to point at specific areas allow you to light up any area, and they are very bright, with a low output, which is ideal. Adding a row of LED spots will also make your truck look like it is the business, as well as providing you with essential night time illumination.
  • A Recovery Winch – This will prove invaluable and can assist you if you get stuck, or you could pull another vehicle out of the mud, and while you might think a winch won’t get used that much, there are times when it is literally a lifesaver! If you are finding it hard going to get out of a muddy section, simply hook the winch onto a nearby tree and use it to pull yourself out of trouble.
  • Communication Accessories – If you buy a special bracket, you can attach your smartphone, which is great when using Satnav or any of the many other apps that off-road travel might require. You can also buy walky-talky radios to keep in contact with others in your group, which can be very handy indeed, and could even save someone’s life.

Pick a trusty CB radio with the features that match your needs. Citizens band (CB) radios are compact and transmit at four watts of power. These devices are easy to install and won’t hog space in your vehicle, but they can provide all sorts of features. A model with weather channels can ensure you won’t get caught off guard by a sudden thunderstorm. Or pick one with a brightly lit digital display that would be perfect for nighttime drives. Some CB radios can even sync to your smartphone via Bluetooth for convenient, hands-free use.

The list of 4WD accessories is indeed long, and with regular additions, your truck will gradually become an eye-catching vehicle that has some great add-ons. You could, for example, mention to close friends and your partner that 4WD accessories are high on your list, which is bound to result in a few pleasant surprises.

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