Paint brake calipers is relatively easy as long there is someone to remove the car wheels for us. My Toyota Vios mileages hit another 10,000KM, with total mileages of 70,610KM. Our vehicles are recommended to change the engine oil, oil filter and wheels balancing with alignment for every 10,000KM.
I took this opportunity to paint the Toyota Vios brake calipers too!
I went to the Chang Soon Tyre Service located in Relau to perform my routine car services and perform the painting on the brake calipers.

There are 3 bottles of spray cans that I required to prepare before I went to the workshop for the brake calipers paint. The 3 bottles paint are white paint, red paint, and lacquer that cost me RM18:

Step by step how to DIY paint brake calipers
- Remove the 4 tires from the vehicle.
- Clean the front brake calipers and drum brakes with water and soap to remove the grease then dry it with air blower:
Toyota Vios Front Brake Caliper Toyota Vios Rear Drum Brake - Since I had them to realigned my drum brake tension, so they are required to remove the drum from the drum brake (this step is not required if you just want to paint the drum):
Toyota Vios Drum Brake - The painting started with white color. The white paint is sprayed from the can evenly on the brake calipers. Several layer (at least 3 layers of each paint) of paint is required to assure the paint is evenly spread on the brake calipers with the interval of 10 minutes. We used newspapers to cover the drive shaft to prevent it from overspray the paint to another compartment:
White Paint on Toyota Vios Front Brake Caliper *The purpose of putting white paint as our base color to the brake calipers so that the red color would look brighter and cleaner.
- After 3 layers of white paint, now we proceed for another 3 layers of red paint. The steps are similar to how we apply the white paint earlier:
Red Color Brake Calipers Painting on Toyota Vios Painted Toyota Vios Front Brake Caliper in Red - Once we are done with 3 layers of red paint, we shall proceed with another 3 layers of lacquer painting. The purpose of the lacquer is to outshine the red color paint on the brake calipers.
- Next, we move to paint the rear drum brake. The steps are same as painting the front brake calipers. We started the painting with white color for 3 layers and then move to red color for another 3 layer, and lastly with lacquer for another 3 layers on the drum covers:
Painting white color on the Toyota Vios Rear Drum White color paint on the Toyota Vios Rear Drum Painting red color on Toyota Vios Drum Painting red color on Toyota Vios Drums - After we completed the lacquer paint, we waited for about 30 minutes for the paints to cured up.
- Now we are ready to install back the wheels on the Toyota Vios.
Here, how it looks like after we installed the wheels on the Toyota Vios painted brake calipers and drum brake:

The workshop’s staffs are friendly and patient to their customer. I will definitely go back to their workshop for my next car service.
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thx alot bro..been reading your articles and it helps alot..
nice car care and review about the products.
No problem bro! It was nice to see you here
hi bro..may i know how much is the balancing and alignment cost? would like to pay them a visit if the price is alright
Hi Low,
thanks for drop by. Their wheels balancing and alignment cost me RM35