Car Air Conditioner A/C (冷气机) Services Procedures in Malaysia (Hot Country)

Car Air conditioner (A/C) service is important to keep your A/C last longer, cooler, better fuel efficiency, and maintain the smell good too in the cabin.

In this video, we share about the A/C system maintenance to the public.

The Car A/C (冷气机) system maintenance break into:

1) A/C gas pressure checking and refilling
2) Drier/Receiver filter replacement (recommended to change every 80,000KM)
3) Fan blower maintenance (to clean and wash away the dirts and contamination)
4) A/C Condenser washing
5) Air Filter cabin replacement (recommended to change every 30,000KM)

Failing to perform the car A/C system maintenance may risk failures for:

1) A/C compressor breakdown due to drier filter is contaminated, and caused the compressor to work extra hard to keep the cooling job

2) Cabin air flow reduced due cabin air filter is stuck with contamination and blower is lesser efficiency too when is dirty

3) Cooling coil breakdown due to contamination

4) A/C produce smelly smell due to mold, dirts, fungus and etc.. grow behind the A/C vent

In short, service your car A/C (冷气机) regular if you don’t want to spend huge amount of money for replacement of the A/C in the later stage.

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