5 Reasons to Park Your Car When You Get to Your Destination

If you’re a car lover, chances are good that you like driving to your vacation destination. Road trips are the ultimate freedom. Unlike taking a plane, driving to your destination allows you to bring whatever you want along with you at no extra charge, eat what you like for food, and stop to use the bathroom when you have to go. Plus, you don’t have to pay extra to listen to the radio or keep your music down to keep from disturbing your neighbor: you can blare The Proclaimers as loud as you want from the privacy of your own car. 

But what about when you get to where you’re going? Do you keep driving when you make it to New York City or Blackpool or wherever it is you’re going? Sometimes, it can make sense to continue driving your car. Other times, it makes more sense to park your car when you get to where you’re going and rely on public transportation instead. Here are 5 good reasons to park your car when you get to your destination. 

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1.) You’re Going to Be Drinking

One of the best reasons to park your car and take public transportation instead is that public transportation gives you an automatic designated driver. If you want to enjoy a few drinks with your mates down at the pub, leave the keys in the hotel and plan to call a Blackpool Taxi instead. 

Choosing to park your car ahead of time can prevent you from having to make the call on whether you’re sober enough to drive or not. Since drinking can lower your inhibitions and impair your judgment, leaving your car in the hotel parking lot can prevent any questionable calls from being made. 

2.) The Traffic is Bad

No matter how much you love driving, we can bet you don’t love bumper-to-bumper rush-hour traffic. If you’re traveling to somewhere like New York City or Boston, leaving your car at the hotel and using the subway instead can allow your vacation to be relaxing, as a vacation should be, instead of stressful and nerve-wracking. Not only that, but stop-and-go traffic can be hard on your car. So if you want your car to lead its fullest possible life, you may be better off leaving it parked and letting someone else put stop-and-go traffic on their car. 

3.) You Want to Learn Something

Visiting an historic city? Consider leaving your car parked and enjoying a bus tour, which can allow you to learn about the city and the sites that you’re seeing. Letting someone else drive can also ensure you take time to look at the sites around you, allowing you to get the most out of your vacation. 

Additionally, choosing to walk rather than ride in a vehicle when you’re at your destination can allow you to be a little more impulsive. You can step into a museum or take the time to read the plaque on a statue. 

4.) You Don’t Know Where You’re Going

Let’s be honest: There’s a difference between interstate driving and driving in the depths of the city. Not knowing where you’re going in the middle of a crowded city can be both stressful and dangerous, especially if you plan to spend a lot of time looking at your phone’s GPS. In those cases, calling a cab with a knowledgeable driver can be a lifesaver.  

Additionally, if you’re going somewhere off the beaten track, choosing to walk rather than drive can allow you to go slowly enough to see street markers or restaurant signs that you might otherwise miss. 

5.) Your Car Isn’t Equipped for the Area

If you’ve never been to Maine before and you decide to drive there in December, you may find that your Florida sedan isn’t equipped to handle Maine weather. Different climates have different expectations of their cars. Cold weather climates may have a lot of salt on the roads, and icy roads may demand four-wheel drive or studded snow tires. If you realize that your car isn’t equipped for the area you’ve traveled to, park it or send it back with car shipping and use a car better suited to the area. Your paint job will thank you for it later. 

Even car aficionados sometimes have to put on the brakes. Sometimes, the kindest thing you can do for both your car and your sanity is to hang up the keys and use public transportation instead. Parking your car when you get to your hotel doesn’t mean you love it any less. Sometimes, it may be a sign that you love it even more.

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